Return to Index › 360 Degrees Insurance Co Ltd
Former FT in China - 2016-11-11
360 Degrees Insurance Co Ltd

CMI has been acquired by 360 Degrees Insurance Co Ltd.

"I note that we are still outstanding proof of address and the source of wealth form as requested previously. We also now require the attached self-certification form to be completed and returned to us also.

Please note that if these are not received this may hold up any future withdrawal requests."


My wife sees no need to supply the info you've requested. Firstly, the bond was ORIGINALLY mine. So it was NOT laundered money. CMI authorized its transfer to her name in 2,00X. The bond was purchased by me from CMI, not from 360 Degrees Insurance Co!

Since then my wife has been withdrawing funds irregularly from it against the same bank account number at the same branch without the requirements your company is now asking for.

Anyways, you can expect my tel call on her behalf, with her at the phone in person, in order for me to discuss this issue this Friday morning your time.

Please call a spade a spade in the future, viz: what exactly do you mean by the part of your e-mail I've quoted? Be specific as to what the consequences for my wife will be if she chooses not to provide the info you've asked for!

Yours faithfully,
Former FT in China on behalf of my Chinese wife.

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