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#1 Parent caring - 2016-11-12
Re what stays in vegas

However the US is a fantastic nation, its democracy stinks big time. What American people really stand for is greatly overshadowed by the Founding Fathers system in which no true native American has ever been a president and as far as I remember only one has been a VP. The first black president ironically is the only one with roots to the native land (mother truly native Indian) and that despite Trump's claims he wasn't born in the US. The saddest thing is that the White House sells democracy around the world knowing there is none at home there.

There was a resolution to allow illegals to apply for US citizenship. Sadly, it was knocked back. Those who had helped the US economy greatly by working illiegally for extremely low wages, but now being unable to get their US citizenship seems grossly unfair to me.
Heartbreaking it may be when the young Americans that were truly born in the US see their immigrant parents being their liability as all of them will have to move back to the places where the parents have come from. Perhaps, the US Justice Department should consider deporting the Trump family back to the home of his grandfather too.

The US voters have proved themselves to be as dim as a Tock-H lamp when judged as a whole by electing Trump president. If I were an American, I'd be ashamed of my fellow countrymen! There must be something badly amiss with the US education system because it has produced hordes of gullible morons! I feel sorry for you Americans. God help you!
Now, I don't think American voters are as dull but mislead and hyped by their media from the large licenced establishments to tweets/bloggers. Moreover, most US citizens are made to believe that their election system is fair for all of them can vote provided that they are registered. That has never been the case, since only over 500 electors (house members) really count out of which only one out of five is a female there.

There's no way Trump would have been elected as a major party leader or prime minister in the
UK following all his inflammatory remarks!
That would have been hard/impossible in most, if not all developed nations on Earth. The American democracy is turning against its own people now. What they see happening is that their true votes may not count as much as the actual wealthy Americans' ELECTORAL VOTES which are as careful as they come. In fact, Donald Trump has attacked the true people's votes, not the electoral ones, and so the predominantly male driven filthy rich ones have eventually put their money on the sleazy man who they could related to more than the tricky woman who they saw as they could see their wives only. Once again, wait and see what the Electoral College has to say in December for Donald is a huge liability to the most powerful nation in the world as well as he is a shame to the whole American election process.
#2 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-11-12
Re what stays in vegas

Trump's grandad was illegal just like the ones Donald wants to kick out with their whole legal families in the US now. Booze and hookers on the west coast made him a fortune which his son, Donald's father, invested in real estate on the east coast later. The third snake oil salesman in the family Donald went bankrupt in 90s and after he admitted to be of a German heritage, not Swedish that he claimed to have been before. The electoral college that the Founding Fathers established with guns and fear of democracy will have a good case to award the presidency to Clinton in December. Even though Donald may ignore their decision, he may not become the full Commander in Chief then.

Trump's family roots are in Germany.

There was a resolution to allow illegals to apply for US citizenship. Sadly, it was knocked back. Those who had helped the US economy greatly by working illiegally for extremely low wages, but now being unable to get their US citizenship seems grossly unfair to me.

The US voters have proved themselves to be as dim as a Tock-H lamp when judged as a whole by electing Trump president. If I were an American, I'd be ashamed of my fellow countrymen! There must be something badly amiss with the US education system because it has produced hordes of gullible morons! I feel sorry for you Americans. God help you!

There's no way Trump would have been elected as a major party leader or prime minister in the UK following all his inflammatory remarks!

#3 Parent caring - 2016-11-12
Re what stays in vegas

Trump's grandad was illegal just like the ones Donald wants to kick out with their whole legal families in the US now. Booze and hookers on the west coast made him a fortune which his son, Donald's father, invested in real estate on the east coast later. The third snake oil salesman in the family Donald went bankrupt in 90s and after he admitted to be of a German heritage, not Swedish that he claimed to have been before. The electoral college that the Founding Fathers established with guns and fear of democracy will have a good case to award the presidency to Clinton in December. Even though Donald may ignore their decision, he may not become the full Commander in Chief then.

Trump's family roots are in Germany.
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