Return to Index › Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama
#1 Parent Curious - 2016-12-08
Update Dec 7: Hillary got 2,654,600 more votes than Trump

She got 48.1% with 65,476,535 votes.
He got 46.1% with 62,821,935 votes.
Hillary got 2,654,600 more votes than Trump.
(In California, she beat him by more than 4.2 million votes http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-updates-california-s-ballots-have-all-been-1481163154-htmlstory.html )
Talk about democracy!!!
Talk about the public vote, talk about the majority: She got them.
His victory is technical.
We respect the fact that he won the election. It is not Egypt here.
But his legitimacy is very limited. He better represent all Americans.

My closing words on this topic: Fucking Electoral College!

#2 Parent Curious - 2016-11-23
Detailed (yet simple) spreadsheet: % of votes in each state

Spreadsheet by David Wasserman

As of today, Nov 23 (but I understand that there are still one or two million votes in the process of being counted, mostly in California)

Hillary: 64,227,373 votes (48.1%)
Trump: 62,212,752 votes (46.6%)

i.e Hillary got 2,014,621 million votes over Trump

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-11-23
Re Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

For the nerds among us (Curious?) who want to know, down to the granular level, down to the county level, why Hillary lost the College, here is a fascinating analysis by Nate Silver called "Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump". Here are the main points of his analysis (with detailed data):

Clinton’s margin surged in the 50 most-educated counties
Clinton collapsed in the 50 least-educated counties
High-education, medium-income white counties shifted to Clinton
High-income, medium-education white counties shifted to Trump
Highly educated majority-minority counties shifted toward Clinton
Low-education majority-minority counties shifted toward Trump

This one was painful for me to read: "Edgecombe County, North Carolina, is 57 percent black and saw a shift toward Trump.

In conclusion: "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

There are people who love tabloids. And there are people who can't look at them even in a long slow line at the cash register.


Yup, the above confirms what I had previously stated re Trump's unforeseen success in the presidential election.

The USA needs to reform its crappy education system! It has produced too many gullible uneducated morons in recent years. Thanks to such voters, Trump has become president elect.

#4 Parent BeenThere - 2016-11-23
Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

For the nerds among us (Curious?) who want to know, down to the granular level, down to the county level, why Hillary lost the College, here is a fascinating analysis by Nate Silver called "Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump". Here are the main points of his analysis (with detailed data):

Clinton’s margin surged in the 50 most-educated counties
Clinton collapsed in the 50 least-educated counties
High-education, medium-income white counties shifted to Clinton
High-income, medium-education white counties shifted to Trump
Highly educated majority-minority counties shifted toward Clinton
Low-education majority-minority counties shifted toward Trump

This one was painful for me to read: "Edgecombe County, North Carolina, is 57 percent black and saw a shift toward Trump.

In conclusion: "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

There are people who love tabloids. And there are people who can't look at them even in a long slow line at the cash register.

#5 Parent Curious - 2016-11-23
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Sorry, the news keep coming in. Here is the latest about my last point:

Donald Trump supporters are lashing out at the president-elect for backing down from prosecuting Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server.

Conservatives seized on the news as a "betrayal" and a "broken promise".

Redstate.com said that a failure to appoint a special prosecutor, as he promised, would reveal the "very real fact that the candidate is not who he claimed to be".


#6 Parent Curious - 2016-11-23
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Just read on the NY Times this evening: "In an interview with The New York Times, President-elect Trump offered the Clintons an olive branch, said he would keep an “open mind” on a climate accord and disavowed the alt-right."

#7 Parent Curious - 2016-11-23
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Who cares? you wrote. After the final count, she might end up with over 2 million votes more than him: This takes SOME (not all, but some) legitimacy away from him.

Remember when Saddam Hussein and Khadafi used to get 99% of the votes? (I think Putin often comes close to that too): Getting elected does not always bring legitimacy or total legitimacy.

You might have noticed, if you have been following the US news since the election, that Trump these days often makes decisions in a way that is totally independent from his campaign promises. I think he is trying to get more legitimacy. My feeling is that he will try to replace the right-wing nuts (things like the tea party and KKK) of the Republican party with more middle class independents or moderate Democrats. If he appoints Mitt Romney as Secretary of State (there are rumors), this will confirm my suspicions. You will see that the Trump who got elected will soon have become a totally different man than the Trump who will govern. Remember that Trump was pro-choice and quite liberal not so many years ago. He is twice divorced and not religious. His conservative persona was only a tool during the campaign. But let's see....

#8 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-22
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Update Nov 22: Hillary Clinton 1.7 million votes ahead of Donald Trump. And counting.

With respect, who cares? What can anyone DO about it? Trump is going in the 'big chair' and that's it !

#9 Parent Curious - 2016-11-22
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Update Nov 22: Hillary Clinton 1.7 million votes ahead of Donald Trump. And counting.

Let's remember that please when some of you talk about the "victory" of trump. Yes he will get 74 electoral college votes more than her, but he lost the popular vote by 1,700,000 so far.




#10 Parent Curious - 2016-11-16
Re: Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

You mix a lot of things in a paragraph and you bake them together .... not going to reply to the smorgasborg

#11 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-16
Re: Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

AND you disparage minorities and immigrants.

Really? So agreeing with Trump that ILLEGAL immigrants who have committed crimes should be deported is disparaging?

Stating that Australian Aboriginals are incapable of fitting into modern society, is disparaging?

Saying that I believe 'feminazis' are not true feminists is also disparaging?

Wow, gurl.....why don't you condemn Free Speech too?

#12 Parent BeenThere - 2016-11-16
America's primal impulse

Let's not forget what made the US a great country (it's not perfect; but it's great):

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

(The New Colossus)

#13 Parent Curious - 2016-11-16
Re: Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

AND you disparage minorities and immigrants.

#14 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-16
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

I thought this board was about where we're from and how qualified and experienced we're. So,
suitable teachers or fit presidents shouldn't be hard to spot. Teachers' shortcomings
may rub off on their students; American presidents' dificiencies may nuke the world.
Anyhow, I don't assume but observe which you should too.

Observing is exactly what I'm doing.

#15 Parent Language Mill Deecher - 2016-11-15
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Teachers' shortcomings may rub off on their students; American presidents' dificiencies may nuke the world. Anyhow, I don't assume but observe which you should too.
#16 Parent caring - 2016-11-15
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

I thought this board was about where we're from and how qualified and experienced we're. So, suitable teachers or fit presidents shouldn't be hard to spot. Teachers' shortcomings may rub off on their students; American presidents' dificiencies may nuke the world. Anyhow, I don't assume but observe which you should too.

I wrote:
Trump cares little about people or the American budget but much about his popularity and attention now

You replied:
Speculation! Who is to say that Killary would be any better?
#17 Parent Curious - 2016-11-15
Re: Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

who are all felons

Totally false!
Many studies show that the % of criminality among immigrants in the US is lower than among the rest of the population.
#18 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-15
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Trump cares little about people or the American budget but
much about his popularity and attention now.

Speculation! Who is to say that Killary would be any better? They ALL have a 'hidden agenda'. The whole world is watching with baited breath to see what Trump will do. If he keeps to his word and deports 3 million illegal immigrants, who are all felons, back to their country of origin, then I really don't think there'll be too many Americans complaining.

The world has no choice but to wait and see!

#19 Parent caring - 2016-11-15
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

As the president with a few hundred million dollars he's a lot more to make from his supporters and plenty freebies too. The man will probably double his assets by the time he's out of the white house given that his poor discipline doesn't result in a nuclear war. So, the few hundred thousand salary relinquishment is just an act to ask for forgiveness once he beeps his nation and the world completely.

The natioanl debt is a huge scam in which excuses are used, money printed and regular people that owe abused. Even though American debt is so gigantic, it can get much larger regardless some consequenses. Trump cares little about people or the American budget but much about his popularity and attention now.

Trump has declared that he will not take the allotted Presidential salary of $400,000 per year, instead, he will take just $1 as is required by law.

This is great news for the American economy. If Trump stays in power long enough, and continues to forego $399,999 salary each year, then the national debt could be paid of in what.....40,000 years or so?

#20 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-11-14
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Trump has declared that he will not take the allotted Presidential salary of $400,000 per year, instead, he will take just $1 as is required by law.

This is great news for the American economy. If Trump stays in power long enough, and continues to forego $399,999 salary each year, then the national debt could be paid of in what.....40,000 years or so?

The BBC said 600,000 per year!

Hillary was paid that for making speeches to Goldman Sachs. the investment bankers.

Ordinary Americans in their thousands dislike Hillary, bankers and the disgustingly high and ever-widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor. The mainstream media plays dirty tricks, like editing out the part of an interview in which Trump told an automobile company CEO that if that company chose to continue to manufacture overseas, Trump would apply a 35% import tarriff to all its vehicles. No US presidential candidate has dared to speak to bosses of that high standing in this way in recent times. Seen on youtube, but edited out for TV news!

#21 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-14
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Trump has declared that he will not take the allotted Presidential salary of $400,000 per year, instead, he will take just $1 as is required by law.

This is great news for the American economy. If Trump stays in power long enough, and continues to forego $399,999 salary each year, then the national debt could be paid of in what.....40,000 years or so?

#22 Parent Caring - 2016-11-14
Re Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama

Even if 150 million Americans hypothetically went for Hillary, the electoral votes would probably override their choice. There are about 220 million eligible voters out of which a large number may not have voted which could've made a difference. What matters most, however, is the electoral votes by states individually. This is why the American democracy stinks and should not be accepted anywhere in the world aside the fact that large donations from anywhere in or out of states may be accepted.

Curious - 2016-11-13
Hillary set to receive more votes than any US presidential candidate in history except Obama
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