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#1 Parent RhenoUSA - 2006-10-10
Hey, Ying...to you buddy - Teachers Discussion

Hey, Ying. Unfortunately, I'll probably be logging on here much less frequently now that I'm back in the USA working a real job again.

You take care, man. Don't let those North Korean boogie men get you.

#2 Parent RhenoUSA - 2006-10-10
Thanks, DB - Teachers Discussion

Hey thanks, DB. I'm not planning on doing TESOL again any time soon. I need to stay here in the USA and make some real money for awhile. I need to make up for lost ground, so to speak.

For now I'll be teaching ESL here in the states. No more TESOL nonsense for this guy. They gotta practice if they wanna learn. What better place for a student to learn English than an English-only environment?

Take care.

#3 Parent DB - 2006-10-07
Hey Rheno! - Teachers Discussion

Good goin' Rheno. Glad you're safely home and enjoying yourself. I've got a feeling though that, once the novelty of being back in the USA wears off, your wanderlust will propel you back to the EFL game and perhaps to a country you've not even considered up to this point.
The last time I went home for any length of time, almost a year ago - for about 6 weeks, I was soon looking around and saying to myself,"Geez, how long can you put up with this generic place?" Yeah, the sameness of my surroundings had me climbing the walls.
Well, no matter what, good luck in all your endeavors and keep us posted!

#4 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2006-10-06
Welcome back! - Teachers Discussion

It's really good to hear from you again, Rheno!

Not seeing your regular posts on this forum felt similar to the feeling I get when I don't hear from an old friend for some time.

It sounds like you're having a holiday in your own country.

Don't bust any legs on those slopes, buddy!

All the best,


RhenoUSA - 2006-10-06
Back home at last - Teachers Discussion

How goes it, all? I've been doin' river trips, going to nudie bars, and getting ready for ski season. Yeah, I've flown the Thailand coop, thank Buddha.

Hopefully, I'll never do the TESOL thing again. Well, maybe I WILL if I get everything paid for up front, such as plane tickets, visas, housing, food, and such.

NEVER go to a TESOL job unless your school reimburses you for your flight. This goes for Korea. This goes for China. This goes for Thailand.

And if you're heading to Thailand, be sure you get paid a minimum of 40,000 baht.

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