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#1 Parent Fifi - 2016-11-17
Re: Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

And minorities, within a few election cycles, will be majority and will elect presidents.

#2 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-11-17
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

Under the one-child-policy, any person deliberately having more than one child, (if they were not 'qualified' to do so under the weird constraints at the time), had to pay a 'fine' to the government.

Nothing wrong with a one-child-policy, we should adopt it in UK. At the moment we have morons rearing children on the tax-payers money. I would also end child-allowance. Why should you pay people to have children. Like paying people to keep dogs....which we do actually. Many morons who don't work keep pit-bull-types as status-dogs.

Not only were fines imposed, but errant wives were sent to hospital where their fallopian tubes were tied.

I think in the UK married couples who are childless should be paid an allowance, a so-called 'childless allowance'. Married couples with more than 2 children should be penalised in some way.

In Japan, the population is declining. Indeed, many Japanese men these days refrain from marrying as they know the cost of rearing a child will impoverish them. The Japanese government has stated it needs to attract foreigners to the country to maintain the population as well as increasing the workforce so that taxes levied can be sufficient to support the payment of decent pensions to Japan's substantial ageing society. Interesting to see which countries they will target for their new citizens and which social classes they wish to attract to bolster the native poulation.

In America, Hispanics tend to have more children than white Americans. It is said that if this continues, America's first language will eventually be Spanish instead of English.

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