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#1 Parent heretosays - 2016-11-20
Re: Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

Thanks much. Glad you enjoyed it.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-20
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

I have a mental image (damn the imagination) of SB in a squalid jail in some backwater Thai
town, chubby fingers wrapped around bars, whining away the hours and sweating like a pig
while periodically screaming, "but there was no victim!"

Everyone is a 'victim' to some extent, and by that, I mean all of us! It depends on how deeply you want to philosophise.

Nevertheless, his opinions are generally worthless and uninformed. If you doubt that, just
read one of his latest posts wherein he claims that global warming doesn't exist.

That's a whole new debate. I understand his intended meaning, however, and I share it.

Odd, though, that you have a problem with that word while apparently being totally accepting
of The Toddler's inflammatory language. And libtard is a great example. Educated people
don't go around calling mentally challenged folks retards. I could add more but why
bother because one just needs to read his posts to find that anyone who disagrees with
his childish attitudes are subject to immature name calling.

Personally, I have no problem with PD's attitude, nor the fact that he is opinionated. Childish at times, boring at other times, (especially with the use of the same adjectives to describe Chinese women), but occasionally, very occasionally, he has something of value to contribute.

I think this board would be far less interesting without the likes of PD. After all, we shouldn't rely on Taffy to keep us all amused forever, lol.

#3 Parent BeenThere - 2016-11-19
Re: Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

"What the mind of woman can conceive. And believe. It can achieve"

#4 Parent Fifi - 2016-11-19
Re: Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

Your last paragraph, heretosays, was strongly evocative. I fully enjoyed it.

#5 Parent heretosays - 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

Agreed; "worthless" may be too harsh of a word. However, when dealing with folks of his ilk, it's sometimes necessary to get down and wallow in the mud with them.

Odd, though, that you have a problem with that word while apparently being totally accepting of The Toddler's inflammatory language. And libtard is a great example. Educated people don't go around calling mentally challenged folks retards. I could add more but why bother because one just needs to read his posts to find that anyone who disagrees with his childish attitudes are subject to immature name calling.

Nevertheless, his opinions are generally worthless and uninformed. If you doubt that, just read one of his latest posts wherein he claims that global warming doesn't exist.

As for the misspelling of comma, not intentional but, like you, I caught the connotations that could justify spelling it as coma. And as for his "girlfriends," don't you mean "victims?" Oh, but wait, that can't be right because in prostitution there is no victim. Poppycock and balderdash.

I have a mental image (damn the imagination) of SB in a squalid jail in some backwater Thai town, chubby fingers wrapped around bars, whining away the hours and sweating like a pig while periodically screaming, "but there was no victim!"

#6 Parent Harry Callahan vs Gabe Tostee - 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

I thought SB has degrees in fashion and linguistics? So a very well educated individual then?

#7 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

I challenge you to come right out and admit that said Pig is basically a worthless human
being whose opinions are also worthless and uninformed.

If you are indeed a member of the clergy, show us your true colors and, as I do, refuse to
accept his inane attempts at justifying his despicable actions.

These days, he doesn't even bother trying to disprove that he deserved the title of pretend
teacher that I bestowed upon him long ago, as he struggled to put together a coherent
post, and struggled even more (as he still does) to figure out the difference between a
coma and a period. No, instead he's become the champion of whatever behavior goes
against the grain of human decency and social cohesion.

I'm not sticking up for 'Pig' per se, I'm sticking up for ALL posters here who have as much right to post as you do.

I challenge you to come right out and admit that said Pig is basically a worthless human
being whose opinions are also worthless and uninformed.

You consider someone's opinions to be 'worthless' because they don't match with yours? That's a 'libtard attitude' if ever I've seen one!

Freudian slip, or typo? The big red words above, 'Coma and Period', have so many connotations when linking them with Silverboy/PigDog, that I'm sure I don't need to point them out. Besides, when thinking about all his girlfriends being IN one, (a coma), I'm laughing too much to type, lol.

#8 Parent heretosays - 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

Well, Turnoi, surely you don't believe that only liberals have a conscious or, more to the point, that the exploitation of children and women is only the bailiwick of conservatives. It's a pity that you have to find a way to align yourself with The Toddler when in your heart of hearts you know he's full of it.

It would seem, too, that I'm the only one here willing to talk about it in a rational manner, so why don't you just address your grievances to me.

Do you believe that Pig Dog actually read the article that I cited? Of course you don't, but believe me when I say that creating awareness is always the first step toward creating change.

I challenge you to come right out and admit that said Pig is basically a worthless human being whose opinions are also worthless and uninformed.

If you are indeed a member of the clergy, show us your true colors and, as I do, refuse to accept his inane attempts at justifying his despicable actions.

These days, he doesn't even bother trying to disprove that he deserved the title of pretend teacher that I bestowed upon him long ago, as he struggled to put together a coherent post, and struggled even more (as he still does) to figure out the difference between a coma and a period. No, instead he's become the champion of whatever behavior goes against the grain of human decency and social cohesion.

And you don't even bother to put him in his place. Why is that? I know why, but do other posters in this forum?

Read the article and then unleash your righteous indignation on those who deserve it - lest you be labeled an armchair priest who can't be bothered with such trivia.

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