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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-11-20
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

Pigdog has said - You are just an English teacher in China. Bye.

Out of order! What do you mean 'just'? There are some of us here who actually take pride in our work as a teacher. I, for one, wouldn't do anything else. That, by the way, is by design and not by 'default'.

Foxy, totally out of order, I agree.

Teaching is a noble profession, wherever it is practised. I think it doesn't really matter if a teacher has joined the profession by design or by default. Some teachers join by default, but later they take to teaching like a duck to water.

Pigdog, formerly Silverboy, was an FT in China for quite a few years. Obviously, he has a low opinion of English teachers in China these days.

I wonder why. I guess other readers would also like to know why!

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-20
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute

A black teenager with a lengthy criminal record is shot dead by police, but don't worry, his
mother said he is a "good boy". Let's all feel sorry for him.

There was a story some time ago about a factory worker in America that shot all his coworkers. He was subsequently shot by the police and his mother later sued the factory owner because 'her son died at work'.

Global warming and "climate change" is a big hoax promoted by the likes of Obama,
Gore and Clinton. We can't tell them that however, the cry babies might have heart
failure, give them a hug.

No! Climate change is REAL, however, it is largely a natural phenomenon.

You are just an English teacher in
China. Bye.

Out of order! What do you mean 'just'? There are some of us here who actually take pride in our work as a teacher. I, for one, wouldn't do anything else. That, by the way, is by design and not by 'default'.

What do you do for a living now? Pray, tell! We all know you live in Australia in between your jaunts to Pattaya. You must actually EARN the money to give to all those bar owners and hookers? What exactly are you 'just' employed as?

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