Return to Index › Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.
#1 Parent Fifi - 2016-11-23
Re: Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Turnoi, your "linguistic signature" (or something to this effect) betrays you right away. Which reminds me... A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet" (Shakes)

#2 Parent The dog - 2016-11-23
Re: Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Fifi is weeping because Uncle Donald did not even care to look at her...LOL

#3 Parent Fifi - 2016-11-23
Re: Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

You are not serious, "John"

Your president-elect is rapidly changing; already 4 of his election themes that used to inflame his right-wing base, are part of the past. "Let's move on" he said...
I live to ride.. (a familiar phrase to you?) on the look on the face of his KKK base (that he has already repudiated 3 days ago) when they see him completely turn to the left, where he was before the election (this guy was a liberal all his life).

So.... things are looking good. And exciting. You can go back to your cave, dear. Nobody needs you. We will call you when we need you, OK?

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-11-23
Re: Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Haven't you killed yourself because Hillary didn't win, yet?

There's some Silverboy/Fifi quotes that need digging up.

#5 Parent Davyhulme - 2016-11-22
Re: Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

There is no good clean fun between FT's in China, except competition.

#6 Parent heretosays - 2016-11-22
Re: Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Wish I could, but, oh well, it only took a minute and it's sometimes fun just to call out someone on their BS rantings. No harm, no foul, just good clean fun.

#7 Parent Fifi - 2016-11-22
Re: Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Wow.... you went back to 2008 looking for a Silverboy quote? Please say it's not so....

#8 Parent heretosays - 2016-11-22
Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Wow. Their own flag and government. I'm overwhelmed. And pardon my ignorance, but I'm not familiar with the expression smth just leaves smth for dead. I suppose, though, that it means that one thing - or place in this situation, is much better than the other. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm rather curious, too, about your knowledge of Taiwan and its relation to China. That is, have you studied its history very far back? Or do you just believe what you believe because it seems, based on common input, that it's the right thing to believe?

On another note, we'll see how soon Taiwan will cozy up to China once your hero Trump tramples the existing trade agreements. I don't know. I'm pretty ignorant about international trade and all that, but it does seem to me that Taiwan enjoys an overwhelming amount of support from the US. And America? Yep, it's all about the money and whether or not where we support is of strategic importance to us.

At any rate, I guess back in 2008 you enjoyed living in the dark ages (Wuhan, I believe). Well, at least that's what one could infer from the following, which you posted way back then:

"In fact, I feel pretty good right now, I'd say this is about as good as it gets, apart from some boring grammar classes that I will teach this week."

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