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#1 Parent Davyhulme - 2016-11-23
Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

As for any other expectations, I have none!

That is what they prey on, in other countries you do get rewarded for your efforts, but not in China. And no, not like that canadian GW granny who thinks she has been "rewarded" by getting a Chinese green card....Chinese must think she is mad, most of them want a green card anywhere BUT China!

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-22
Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

In the sense that China will not give you anything
back for all your years of effort,

What do you WANT to get back?

FT's in China are nothing more than subcontractors. We turn up, do the job, get paid - simple!

We are NOT highly-regarded; we are NOT considered to be part of a 'team'; and we are certainly NOT appreciated. Why should we expect anything different?

As far as the Chinese teachers are concerned, we are paid an 'obscene salary', we do far less hours than they do and we are treated much better than they are.

Any FT who takes a different view, or expects to be treated with dignity, respect, or reverance, is kidding themself.

I coined an acronym a few months ago - T.U.A.T. (Turn Up And Teach). So there you go, we are just 'twats' who are expected to TUAT.

My attitude is simple, I TUAT, I get paid, I go home. As for any other expectations, I have none!

#3 Parent Davyhulme - 2016-11-22
Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Sorry, meant figuratively, not literally. In the sense that China will not give you anything back for all your years of effort, and you will be denying yourself the same or better lifestyle you may have in another country. Not you, personally, of course!

#4 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-21
Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Yeap, china is only good for older blokes really with that pension nest egg....slogging away
in a teaching job otherwise!

'Slogging away'? Sweeping streets, working in construction, or digging holes all day is 'slogging away'. Any ESL teacher who feels his job is 'slogging away' either isn't doing it right or has zero experience working in a manual job with which to make a comparison.

Besides, how many other industries allow their staff/workers to have around 13 weeks holiday a year?

'Slogging away'? Oh, you poor dears!

#5 Parent Davyhulme - 2016-11-21
Re English masters for foreigners as difficult as 0 level GCE.

Yeap, china is only good for older blokes really with that pension nest egg....slogging away in a teaching job otherwise!

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