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#1 Parent data boy - 2016-11-26
Re caught on wrong visa

The two posters that have question your honesty are inveterate apologists for the Recruiter/Private School Industry.

#2 Parent Worried - 2016-11-26
Re caught on wrong visa

You are all very cynical though - personally I don't really see what is particularly funny about the situation I have posted. Thanks to those who have genuinely tried to advise me.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-11-24
Re caught on wrong visa

Judging by the way that initial post was written; I am getting the impression that the school took advantage of a non-native speaking university student, being told to lie and say that she's American is a red flag, it suggests that she's a white European lady, possibly Russian or Ukranian. I would warn all people who hail from just about anywhere in Eastern Europe to be rather wary of Chinese employers right now.

I'm really sorry to say this but, many nasty, dishonest, corrupt Chinese employers currently consider you guys to be their preferred, gullible, easy targets. They believe that you will have less knowledge of your legal rights, will be far less demanding as far as pay and living conditions are concerned due to the declining economic situation back home and most importantly for them, you are most likely to be white and therefore less likely to set alarm bells ringing than an African native speaker from say; Ghana or Nigeria.

This is unfortunately a side effect of native speaking teaching teachers becoming increasingly aware of problems in the Chinese ESL industry and less willing to take shit from employers, combined with increasingly strict work permit requirements and a struggling Chinese economy; schools would rather risk employing Eastern Europeans illegally than go through all the effort and expense of employing a native speaker legally. Even if you are an absolutely wonderful and amazing teacher, the sad fact is that you are probably being used and abused.

She's probably going to get deported but hopefully they will be relatively lenient and forgiving due to her age and circumstances. She simply won't be able to get the work permit whilst in the country on a different visa; in the best case scenario, the police may be allowing her to get the work permit applied for and voluntarily fly home to apply for a work visa, but she usually can't convert it in China, especially not these days.
Besides, she has no degree.

That 'medical' should be conducted at the appropriate designated centre, if it's at the police station, she's probably getting drug tested and having DNA samples taken. Ultimately meaning that she's on record and probably screwed.

Just name and shame them, if they were willing to employ a teacher illegally, they're a shit employer, simple as.

#4 Parent amused - 2016-11-24
Re caught on wrong visa

The police have no interest in her. She will be deported, and perhaps fined, when they have gathered whatever information she has about her employers and agents. They are also investigating the police officers that gave her the bogus visa and his/her relationship with the school/agents.

The police are waiting until senior officials, none of whom she has met, finally decide whether to pursue her employer or agents or to squeeze them for 'silence money' if they are well connected. That negotiation is going on without the knowledge of the police. They are merely awaiting the decision.

If she tries to leave the country now, her passport number may trigger scrutiny at the border. It is in her best interest to be honest and patient. She should believe NOTHING that her agency or employer tell her now and she MUST not lie to the police on their behalf.

Given her age, I doubt that the fine will be significant.

worried - 2016-11-24
caught on wrong visa

i am posting on behalf of a friend I am worried about...

Short version: She has been caught working on the wrong visa. I am not in the same city as her but the info she is giving me sounds off. I have advised her to hand in her notice and leave BTW.

She has been to the police station 2/3 times, been interview, had details taken etc. Details in these interview have been made up at the request of her employers (they even told the police she is American but she isn't... After first interview/visit she was told she had to get the proper work permit or leave China

Then it starts getting a little odd to me - second or third visit to police station she was given a health check?? Which her boss has told her is for her work permit. I don't understand why the police would be doing this for her and also this person is only 19, no degree etc so clearly cannot legally get the visa or really one would think falsify the documents as she is too young to of graduated.

as mentioned above I have advised her to up and leave, all sounds very odd to me and her company just keep telling her everything is fine. The police have all her information now though. Keen to hear others thoughts as I have looked it up a little and can't see anything about this sort of thing happening to others - I am wondering if her company (who are giving her all this info) are just outright lying to her?? Clearly they are lying to some degree but the health check at the police station seems very odd. From what she tells me though the info that they are getting her the work permit is coming from the company not the police.

Like i said, if you have any idea what may be going on please reply, I am very worried about her especially as she is clearly on police records now.

I will speak to her and if she doesn't mind I will name and shame the company.

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