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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-28
Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

That's why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-27
Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

He has deep faith in his beliefs and discards any
evidence that would motivate an intelligent man to change.

Everyone is entitled to their own belief systems - unless you live in North Korea !

#3 Parent Curious - 2016-11-27
Re: Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

Faith is always easier than looking into the abyss.

I love that one.....
#4 Parent data boy - 2016-11-27
Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

the Pig is smart enough to recognize his own ignorance, and by
so doing has this huge need to be heard etc. Yes, he needs validation and finds that he
gets it here.

His writing indicates that he has received some formal education. But self-awareness and self-reflection are required to recognize the prison bars of one's own belief system. I don't believe he has that ability. He has deep faith in his beliefs and discards any evidence that would motivate an intelligent man to change.

Faith is always easier than looking into the abyss.

#5 Parent heretosays - 2016-11-27
Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

Very refreshing, data boy, to read a post here written by someone who actually has some common sense and the ability to illustrate it in writing. Hope you won't let the likes of PigDog and his supporters deter you from writing additional sensible posts. Personally, I can only take so much of his rabid mouthing off before I have to retreat to more meaningful grounds, which makes him and others quite happy, as I'm one of the few who call BS in regards to his ignorant rantings.

Well, in all fairness, though, the Pig is smart enough to recognize his own ignorance, and by so doing has this huge need to be heard etc. Yes, he needs validation and finds that he gets it here. Why, I'm not quite sure. Seriously, though, I doubt that even Trump, even if he knew that the Piglet was one of his most ardent supporters and all ga ga over him, would bother giving him the time of day let alone the validation he so desperately needs.

Happy Holidays!

#6 Parent big pharm - 2016-11-27
Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

There's nothing wrong with the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' attitude, but what happens
when it IS broken?

If you are one of the elite, the .01 percent, IT is certainly not broken.

Any economic chart you wish to google graphing distribution of wealth in the U.S. over the past 30 years will establish why there is a 'don't fix it' attitude among the U.S elite (all elites are truly global... assets worldwide and multiple passports). And yes, the Clintons were complicit in that accumulation; all presidents are.

I suspect that elites ARE worried to some degree about one of their own, Trump, being elected president but not because he will actually redistribute wealth. He is like Michael Corleone, bringing unwanted attention to the activities of the mafia. His tax returns (once released), his ties to foreign elites, his financial manipulation of the courts, etc. are now becoming apparent even to individuals that only read Facebook and click-bait.

#7 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-27
Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

It's axiomatic that the election of a second generation billionaire Wharton graduate would be
seen as a victory for the common man by itinerant foreign teachers of English in between
their posts about bargains for beer and food and complaints about wives that would
require financial support.

There's nothing wrong with the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' attitude, but what happens when it IS broken?

Trump is relatively new to politics, (by that I mean he's not long been a politician), Killary, on the other hand, has been in politics for 40 + years.

Killary has been part of a 'broken system' for so long that she can't even see where it's 'broken'.

'Axiomatic'? You bet it is !

#8 Parent data boy - 2016-11-26
Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids.

A lot of well-off white men like me

Elites are neither 'well-off' nor 'friends' of the 'well-off'.
I would venture to surmise that there no elites posting daily on forums.

We are taking back our own futures and culture.

As I explained, elites calculatedly ensure that people remain mired in their traditional culture of racism, sexism and violence against each other so that the world's future remains controlled by their own capital. Nothing short-term other than nuclear war will change that; long-term, global warming may be a revolutionary event.

It's axiomatic that the election of a second generation billionaire Wharton graduate would be seen as a victory for the common man by itinerant foreign teachers of English in between their posts about bargains for beer and food and complaints about wives that would require financial support.

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