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#1 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-02
Re The libtards are winning.....

Google is a multinational corporation. It is about profit.

That website is limiting your blog's vocabulary because of profit; they are choosing google ad income over your freedom of expression.

I too bemoan the impact of corporate profit on media communication of all types.

But I fail to see what it has to do with political correctness. Google has determined that they will increase profit by enforcing those guidelines.

Corporations will deny dying people drugs, deny children housing, deny free water to ghettos, and perform countless other immoral heinous acts for the sole purpose of maximizing profits.

And if they can get people to blame 'political correctness' for this behavior, or immigration, or abortion, or whatever... all the better.

Foxy - 2016-12-02
The libtards are winning.....

There's a website on which I have been writing blogs for a number of years now. My most recent article was on the subject of certain 'Guiness Book Of Record' holders that appear in the book due to some crazy exploit or other. I'm not going to highlight the name of the website, but it IS considered to be respectable, and it has been around for a long time.

The blog was published on Nov 30th and was followed by the traditional response by the website owner.

His response to my blog is copied and pasted below. UNBELIEVABLE ........!

The timing of this blog is quite interesting because we just received notice a few days ago that we could no longer run Google ads on any pages that offer sexual advice of any kind. It was a very strange because the four examples of type of content that was not allowed were all things that would be along the lines of self-help or sex education topics.

We're not talking about porn, or having cybersex, or dirty conversations. Discussing in an educational manner how to treat your partner so as to enjoy a quality intimate experience would not be allowed. How to avoid or resolve erectile dysfunction would not be allowed.

Virtually every paragraph of this blog would not be allowed.

This was not about China. This was Google and it was worldwide.

As he often does, Paul has walked a fine line between what we might normally feel could be offensive and what is clearly not, but for the most part I suspect very few people would find this stuff offensive and most would find it bizarrely entertaining. It is not something I would ever have refused to run, and it is not something I think China would ever take offense to.

But in order to run it, and not have our Google Adsense account cancelled, we had to ensure that no Google ads would run on this page. So what we have done is set the site so that no blog or forum thread contains any word that begins with "sex", such as sex, or sexual, or sexxy, or sextant for example. We tried to limit it to words that start with sex because we didn't want words like Sussex or Essex cause ads not to show.

I am mostly telling people this so that those of you who complain about China censoring certain things, you need to realize that China doesn't come close to the censorship now taking place in the West due to the political correctness police.

This is the same Google that left China because they could not agree to censor topics deemed wrong to publish in China by the Chinese Government, but apparently it is no problem at all to agree to censor topics deemed wrong to publish by the far left self-righteous dictatorial morons who feel that nobody should ever be allowed to express, discuss or even think their thoughts unless they agree 100% with the morons thoughts. This would be roughly the same group who believes elections are no longer valid unless their candidate won, and that beating people who voted for the winner is an acceptable form of protest.

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