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#1 Parent Curious - 2016-12-03
Re: Re Calling all good women and men....

The issues and the potential problems, though, are plentiful and almost beyond the imagination right now.

Agreed! The number and the gravity of the potential problems are mind boggling.
#2 Parent heretosay - 2016-12-03
Re: Re Calling all good women and men....

I see. Much thanks. Folks around here still know how to actually use the language while immersing themselves in political correctness, groveling about like weasels (towards what ends I'm not quite sure) and managing to do all that and, oh, what a surprise, still quite able to make it through the work a day world while juggling kids and finances - FFS.

Yes indeed, the mega rich love rubbing elbows with the mega rich. Makes them feel important. And you're right about the poor and the hope they put into this election. The issues and the potential problems, though, are plentiful and almost beyond the imagination right now. Trump just appointed a retired marine general as defense secretary. His nickname is "Mad Dog." The Hawks are going to love that. Still and all, though, on a more positive note, there are generals and admirals who are committed to peace and they will be watching. In fact, Trump will no doubt be the most watched president ever. He knows he needs to be very careful lest he face impeachment.

Trump is also taking the wrong side in regards to the pipeline in North Dakota. Turns out he has holdings in two of the major companies with the pipeline contract. However, there are now over 2,000 Vets there that have traveled from all over the country to give the demonstrators a needed break and to help out wherever they can. There are more on the way. The media is afraid to cover it completely and honestly; that is, the major media conglomerates, but the truth is there if you look for it.

And one last thing for the piglet, as he now seems to see it fit to make up his own statistics to support whatever his whine de jour is or his irresistible urge to put himself above others, despite that he hangs about in the muck.

Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination.
Vin Scully

#3 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-02
Re: Re Calling all good women and men....

My understanding is that FFS means something like For Fu*k's Sake
And PC (from "Politically Correct") is a phrase used by trumpists in a derogatory way towards those who care for minorities for example
By the way, the trumpist will soon stop laughing, they will soon realize they got fu*ked cause trump is appointing billionaires (not the type who care for trailer trash) to his cabinet including for secretary of health a rabid proponent of abolishing obamacare: millions of trumpists just voted themselves out of medical insurance.

#4 Parent heretosay - 2016-12-02
Re: Re Calling all good women and men....

Hmm, I'm not sure what a FFS is, nor what a PC type is, for that matter; however, I do know that you've not traveled much in China - it's always quite obvious.

As for myself, I wont bore you with the details; nevertheless, I can tell you that I was never treated with contempt and scorn. And in most cases, quite the contrary. Did I have a few problems with administrators and such? Sure, but then I'm not always as patient as I should be when dealing with obstinacy. (You may have noticed that.)

Truth be known, well, never mind, deaf ears and all that.

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