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#1 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

He he he, BeenThere.... you good.

Ya know what I think.... [poster] not only lost his handle. He is a bitter man with high blood pressure who takes pills that make him sexually impotent: his thing, like his handle, was taken away from him (it might still be there but it stays low). Maybe with a failed background in some law enforcement, but he is now a security guard at Walmart because he did a few things....Pot belly. Watches reruns of sitcoms filmed in the 1960's when America was great again. That's the feeling I get when I read his post.

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

A VERY quick search in Google (you know google, right?) using the key words "illegal immigrants worked for trump". It took me about 3 minutes to copy and paste the links below. There are THOUSANDS of them. Have a look at google

What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower

Trump Hired Polish Illegal Immigrants to Build Trump Tower

Trump’s Dirty History of Hiring and Exploiting Undocumented Workers

Report: Trump Actively Sought Out Illegal Immigrants to Work on Trump Tower

Donald Trump Turned Down 94.4 Percent of American Job Applicants, Applied for Hundreds of ‘H’ Visas Instead
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/431908/donald-trump-immigration-hypocrite-who-ignores-american-workers

Donald Trump allegedly worked illegal immigrant models like 'slaves' say former employees

#3 Parent [poster] - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

About trump, you wrote: "Less than any other massive international business and never on purpose. " You don't know that at all!!!!!

Wow lol.. you got up and walked into another wall LOL

How would you know Trump has ever had illegal aliens working for him?

Remember you said that. Like you KNEW that! As if you read somewhere documentation of it!!

Because you did. Because Trump hires some very big expensive companies who have HR departments dedicated to that purpose: Finding undocumented workers. It's not just that company that holds records but in this case they have to report this to the government and various official agencies. So we DO KNOW In some cases, those workers names could be looked up and then interviewed by reporters and aired on TV!!

That's how, for an example, 3 different workers absolutely admitted on camera that they did indeed get contacted and informed they'd failed to do the paperwork and were technically working illegally and would need to be 'fired' (so to speak) but in fact, Trumps guys had their paperwork problems sorted out and 2 months later were back to work for Trump.

You: I KNOW Trump had illegal aliens working on his projects!!

Me: yes.

You: YOU DON"T KNOW.. HOW COULD YOU KNOW!!!! lol wow. wow you are a DISASTER LOL

#4 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

About trump, you wrote: "Less than any other massive international business and never on purpose. " You don't know that at all!!!!!

#5 Parent [poster] - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

Additionally they pay taxes of various types even when they work in the underground economy.
Utility, sales, transportation taxes, etc.

and they don't pay income taxes, they very often aren't paying the fees (taxation) their American citizens competitors do such as business licences, insurance, city fees and vehicle registrations etc etc (where a great deal of a cities money must come from).

Then, they go the other way on average taking up taxes on welfare benefits and/or various social service programs and schemes like food stamps, employment programs. They take up taxes on processing and then they way way take up tax money on the costs of finding and imprisoning them and if they ever do get deported that costs a huge amount to. (especially bad if they just show up again and again).

the overall bottom line is they cost taxpayers. Its a net loss Keeping in mind, suppose nobody knows what they pay in taxes since they are, after all, undocumented and not in the system as we are obligated to subject ourselves to? Well then you can STILL be certain beyond a doubt simply by comparing them to documented and well researched low-skilled Americans who are in the system, the IRS records. Nearly everyone making less than 30,000 USD is getting in the "Loss" category. Mexico isn't having its doctors, successful businessmen, wealthier families run across the border to live as illegal aliens.

>No doubt they do impact the job market and the availability of better paying jobs with
benefits, but so did slavery and child workers

I don't know you but can I just assume you are totally happy child laborers were totally banned from working in the USA. I might also guess you were totally for the Slave Class being eliminated as well yes?

So, I'm going to go ahead and suppose you'd be consistent with your morality, standards and worldview and also oppose illegal aliens working.

> Employers are the perpetrators and
undocumented workers are the victims.

Nope, both of them are the perpetrators. But then again you may suppose illegal aliens are 'subhumans' or more like 'children' in that they can't be held responsible for their choices (even if they are saying they are willfully choosing it you'd say they can't make that decision for themselves truly so it doesn't count).

>Trump construction projects and hotels have always employed undocumented workers.

Less than any other massive international business and never on purpose. Trump has one of the best companies in charge of worker's and they have a high rate of catching out illegals. In most of those cases the problems were expired documents (they had full and proper work visas but they'd expired or weren't renewed properly). but rarely did Trump's HR pro's catch contractors using blatantly illegal aliens knowingly.

He's simply applying those same standards as President.

Good news: in approx. 2 weeks Trump will, on his first day, give the order to police departments around the USA to capture and deport all known illegal aliens criminals. You will see around 10,000 deportations (cops know exactly where around 90% of them are as we speak).

#6 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

" But suppose you don't count the crime they commit everyday they are being illegal."
It is NOT always a crime to be an illegal immigrant: although Improper Entry Is a Crime, unlawful presence without improper entry is not a crime:

Unlawful Presence Is Not a Crime

Some may assume that all immigrants who are in the United States without legal status must have committed improper entry. This simply isn't the case. Many foreign nationals legally enter the country on a valid work or travel visa, but fail to exit before their visa expires for a variety of reasons.

But mere unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

#7 Parent [poster] - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

No, totally wrong: illegal aliens, who are mostly latinos, do not live in inner-city black
ghettos as you wrote.

Hello, yes they do. So do a lot of legal Hispanics. 'Combined with' described the combined problems not 'they combine together' or that Hispanics are 'inside' Black neighborhoods. But having said that, while the Hispanic inner-city 'ghetto' areas are usually adjacent, beside, next door, 2 streets over, connected they are not nearly as separate as Cop TV Shows would have you believe. This intermixing is a bit interesting because its come and gone. In inner city areas in New York the infamous 'Spanish Harlem' (East Harlem as you know being an expert) oddly enough had its gangsters and bad guys surprisingly cooperative with black gangs around Harlem (again, lots of intermixing can be seen even on the very faces of people) but then somewhere around the 90's they do seem to stay very separated and don't clash either.

California is one where blacks and Hispanic's share the same 'ghettos' (enclaves, slums, whatever you want to call these special areas) and encroach and expand. At one point poor blacks were taking over Hispanic areas but that's over as Hispanics (with ever increasing err..'immigrants' arriving) have grown to take over entire once 'black ghettos'

In areas where the two groups are highly represented, such as South Central LA, Compton and Watts, the territory claimed by the two groups of gangs greatly overlapped, with each identifying almost the same particular area as their own, and both respecting each other. In several areas, the Latino and Black gangs intermingled a lot, with several Black and Mexicans speaking with the same accent and doing several of the same activities together (cock fighting, pit bull fighting, etc). Everybody just understood that each territory was their own with respect to their specific race. It was a weird system, but overall it worked and allowed the two races, usually neighbors to each other, to live together.

One of the main reasons you fucked up here is probably because, strange as this seems, a great deal of the racial breakdowns of these high-crime areas DID NOT HAVE A HISPANIC or 'LATINO' category. They have been categorized under 'White' and only recently in the last few years has that been changing. So when you tried to bluff your way through this via 'internet knowledge' you probably did not find any 'Hispanics' in regard to crime stats or who lives inside those high-crime circles.

As a general rule, blacks kill other blacks. Hispanics other Hispanics. this is surprising since the neighborhoods are often side-by-side but not even rigidly divided with plenty of overlap. There is not actual 'black side of the street and across is the hispanic side' yet the criminals, the gangs, the people will create their own 'rules' and divisions.

>And the latino illegal aliens have a crime rate LOWER than the general population

Nope and I wish you could see yourself. "Latino Criminals have crime rate LOWER than the general population". That's what you just told me. People committing a crime have the 'maximum rate' heh. But suppose you don't count the crime they commit everyday they are being illegal.

But no, you are mistakenly trying to use the 'Immigrants' scam stat. You actually screwed it up because you were supposed to say 'Hispanic Immigrants'. That way you hide the illegal aliens inside the LEGAL true immigrants (who often have lower crime rates).

No, if the category is illegal Hispanic immigrants then they most definitely do have a much higher crime rate or really more to the concern - a violent crime rate. That's if you want to use FBI data and not links to 'statistics tricks' that (for example) only select certain categories of crimes, use certain cities etc.

>without many of the services that legal residents get.

Why would they be getting ANY services??

Finally, you need to understand that illegal aliens committing crimes is all unnecessary additional crime. Yes, absolutely true we have enough born and raised American criminals. To get back on topic we already have a very serious crime problem with Black Americans inside those dangerous ghetto circles. that is ALL THE MORE REASON we can't afford to add 20% more criminals from other countries who aren't even supposed to be there in the first place.

Straight Facts indeed. Its just that you didn't know how to read them, what they meant or what they did NOT mean. woops!

#8 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

And the latino illegal aliens have a crime rate LOWER than the general population (there were
links quoted here in the last 2 months about that topic) and they work very hard,
without many of the services that legal residents get.

Additionally they pay taxes of various types even when they work in the underground economy. Utility, sales, transportation taxes, etc.

In sum, undocumented workers (people cannot be 'illegal'; behavior is illegal) are a significant benefit to the U.S. economy and to employers both large and small.

No doubt they do impact the job market and the availability of better paying jobs with benefits, but so did slavery and child workers. Employers are the perpetrators and undocumented workers are the victims.

Trump construction projects and hotels have always employed undocumented workers.

#9 Parent Curious - 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals

I would agree with BeenThere. Can you provide a link please about your first paragraph?

#10 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals

You wrote "Illegal Aliens and that is often combined with the inner-city black 'ghettos' "
No, totally wrong: illegal aliens, who are mostly latinos, do not live in inner-city black ghettos as you wrote.
And the latino illegal aliens have a crime rate LOWER than the general population (there were links quoted here in the last 2 months about that topic) and they work very hard, without many of the services that legal residents get.
Get your facts right.

#11 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-06
Re US Criminals

All the factors are perfectly situated in US culture and

That's because the US government are the biggest criminals of all....!

#12 Parent [poster] - 2016-12-06
Re US Criminals

All the factors are perfectly situated in US culture and

The USA does have one special crime problem but it will rarely ever effect anyone overseas. Illegal Aliens and that is often combined with the inner-city black 'ghettos'. Most of these people will never be traveling to China.

These 'ghetto' areas have highly disproportionate crime rates and we could see them as around a dozen 'zones' on a map. Relatively small circles. If you do not count the crime of these areas - the USA has a crime rate about the same as any other modern country. However, these ARE perfectly situation inside the USA.

But you have to keep in mind, "Crime Rates" don't necessarily tell you everything about crime rates. Let me explain: For about a decade after a major economic upswing my city had a severe shortage of police. They police department had not upgraded in line with the population growth and economic prosperity is a major factor in crime. So, my city had a relatively low crime rate according to the police reports.

Do you see the problem? There was more assaults, more drugs, gangs were moving in, more crimes were happening but the police were simply stretched far too thin to deal with anything but the most serious problems.

My city then upgraded the police department. They wanted to plan ahead for future growth and for a wave of coming retirements so they doubled in size! With the economic boom the city was able to release a huge new budget. We had cops everywhere! They were everywhere and not only did they play 'catch up' by launching a series of drug busts on well-known players but they were getting everyone who looked funny. They were bored and you couldn't leave your house with a broken taillight and get to a corner before you'd be caught and fined!

Officially, our "Crime Rate" skyrocketed! There was a huge increase. but the truth is there was less crime than ever before. They had imprisoned most gangsters and local notorious bad guys and you didn't worry about certain areas at night anymore. But the official reports told you our "Crime Rate" had gone way way up.

China is something like my city before it had enough police. They simply can't enforce the laws everywhere all the time. My neighbors and myself are all very very aware of some criminals doing some bad bad things in a building. If I was in the USA and this was happening I guarantee police would have 6 people in handcuffs already. But the police here simply don't have time, money or resources to have taken care of that problem until finally it turned into a more serious issue. Even after that most of them got away. (incredibly, the same ones started up in almost the exact same location a few months later).

But the USA does have a special problem many 1st world countries don't have and those things may start to disappear as Trump moves around 10 million illegal aliens out of the USA and to whatever extent they start undoing those 'ghetto' type areas.

Of course there are other factors. The USA saw a 'peak' of violent crimes in the 70's but then overall a decline since then. These are often issues of age 'demographics'. Young men commit violent crimes. The 1970s saw a peak in the 'Baby Boom' with a very very large population of young people. Now they have a large population of 70 year old 'Baby Boomers'. However, as that generation passes away there may be another demographic change too.
Likewise, if China has a 'baby boom' they might see a similar spike in violent crime as they get in their 20s.

As for the Chinese way of '2 wrongs = 0 blame' it might be a bad formula for you to choose. There are far far more Chinese (% factored) in the USA than there are Americans in China. This situation is horrible. It seems there was some intense personal/social argument. So that's not a good example to 'cancel out' a racist/xenophobic hate crime you find in China - however - you have a very large Chinese population walking around the 300 million person USA, working or visiting or studying. You have very very few Americans walking around the 1.4 billion person China.

#13 Parent Xinran - 2016-12-06
Re US Criminals

There might be bad people in every country. Criminal element is a separate thing. Think about what contributes to crime. All the factors are perfectly situated in US culture and society. I'm not blaming foreign teachers but maybe the West now collapsing can see what we all the world already see.

#14 Parent Davyhulme - 2016-12-04
Re US Criminals

Western teachers always speak about problems in China but in China people are nonviolent. We protect you because think highly of your service to our students. US is a very violent country. Are people able to solve problems without going crazy in your culture?

So western teachers cannot speak about problems now? I bet you also apply that to Chinese teachers, and are one of those who only wants to hear good about China, and not the dirty truth. But being objective is not a well known trait of your fellow countrymen, or thinking outside of the box! People are nonviolent....then how come I have seen two guys stabbing another guy with a piece of metal pipe in Shenzhen, a chinese guy beating his girlfriend/wife late at night in Shenzhen, had an FAO threaten me in another province of China, and had groups of chinese guys gang up on me, always in gangs, never one to one, on more than one occasion. China is just as violent as the US, if not more so. You have a big amount of people who are not getting proper treatment for mental illness, and it is one of those things that people in China like to bury their head in the sand about, and hope that it will go away....it will not. Aside from my own, and other posters, personal experiences, there are well reported cases of foreigners being beaten/murdered/stabbed in Beijing and Shanghai and elsewhere. I would imagine the german mans family want to know why he was stabbed for just eating hotpot with a chinese woman, and even if he did not know she had a husband, he still did not deserve it, why can't a chinese guy just beat someone a bit and then walk away, what is wrong that they have to grab a knife/meat cleaver and kill someone?

#15 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-04
Re US Criminals

There are bad people in EVERY country!

Xinran - 2016-12-03
US Criminals

USC professor stabbed and now died. Does it look to be another anti-Asian hate crime? Western teachers always speak about problems in China but in China people are nonviolent. We protect you because think highly of your service to our students. US is a very violent country. Are people able to solve problems without going crazy in your culture?

Xinran Ji killers confessed and in prison. Should they be sterilize too? It may be appropriate. They need a lot of help. Thank you.

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