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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-07
Re BEWARE new recruiter scam using TWITTER

This story is being highlighted on WeChat in China. However, it has been posted a total of 4 times, that I know of, and each time has been 'taken down' very quickly. It was there at midnight last night but had gone by the time I got up at 6am this morning. It reports that a total of 1800 foreigners have been arrested, of which the 229 you mentioned are also cited.

Anyone currently working in China without the 'proper' qualifications should be worried right now. Those who are legal have nothing to fear.
Visas and diplomas are being checked. It said nothing about degrees, only 'diplomas', but who knows. The police 'bonus' of RMB2000 per arrest is fuelling this crackdown, (if one can call it a 'crackdown'), beyond belief. It appears to be mainly happening in Beijing and Shanghai, but is likely to spread to other cities due to its popularity amongst officers of the PSB.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-07
Re: Re BEWARE new recruiter scam using TWITTER

Why are you almost copying the internet name "Turnoi"? The moderators should not allow that.

#3 Parent Curious - 2016-12-07
Re: Re BEWARE new recruiter scam using TWITTER

"Mexicans (by and large) are taking an undeserved upgrade in quality of life in exchange for lesser skills and ultimately a net loss to America. But illegal aliens taking over LA neighborhoods are about as popular as Africans taking over Guangzhou districts are in China."
You are wrong. Yon don't know the facts at all. This is false news.

#4 Parent [poster] - 2016-12-07
Re BEWARE new recruiter scam using TWITTER

Illegal Africans, Pakistanis or Vietnamese working in China are 'Pariah'.

Western ones aren't. Its because Westerners are taking a reduction in life quality to bring value to China.

Mexicans (by and large) are taking an undeserved upgrade in quality of life in exchange for lesser skills and ultimately a net loss to America.

Believe this: There are 'undocumented' Chinese coding wizards in Silicon Valley and they are not 'Pariahs' but whatever you'd think the opposite would be and they will smooth out any issues (if anyone ever bothered finding a problem in the first place). A company boss will quickly send a legal letter taking full blame for the 'visa mistake' and agree to pay the fine for the worker and then pay to sort out the workers next year or problems ASAP.

But illegal aliens taking over LA neighborhoods are about as popular as Africans taking over Guangzhou districts are in China. Difference being very few Blacks in Guangzhou are taking welfare, social services and prison space in Guangzhou.

#5 Parent Sigint - 2016-12-07
Re BEWARE new recruiter scam using TWITTER

It's the same sh*t and the only way to fix the problem is to cut the root cause.

In the case of China, the root cause is recruiters and employers knowingly lying to clueless FOB foreigners about the legality of working in China. And when the foreigners run into troubles, there is no one to be found and help them.

In the case of the West, the root cause if human traffickers, often citizens of said illegal immigrants countries, crossing the border illegally

We agree that in both cases, the root cause must be eliminated, not the victims.

Problem is China is quick to blame illegal working foreigners but some infamous recruiters (i.e. Rebecca [edited]) are well protected behind their guanxi despite numerous reports of their activities with proof to the police from legal staying foreigners and Chinese citizens.

Maybe it's time to go get them ourselves and to do our own justice.

#6 Parent The General - 2016-12-07
Of "undocumented" actually ILLEGAL workers

No sorry "amused" "undocumented" but actually just as "illegal" workers in the west are now being called "victims of racism" and I've seen no difference between them and the so-called "illegal worker" in China. And my connection with the Ministry of Education in Beijing informed me that the "foreigner raids" conducted by pathetic government managers justifying their jobs also target the LEGAL workers as well. This has actually been going on for TEN years and is more about local underpaid police officers beefing up their monthly salaries with the "foreigner bounty". Really more pathetic.

#7 Parent amused - 2016-12-07
Re BEWARE new recruiter scam using TWITTER

Why are the foreigners working illegally in China victims but undocumented workers in the West pariahs?

The CFT Watchers - 2016-12-07
BEWARE new recruiter scam using TWITTER
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