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#1 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

Let's use your $30 per year (it's too low, but for the fun of it, let's use it).
Multiplied by 320,000,000 people, that's an increase of $9,600,000,000.
Wanna add amounts also for hotel work and a lot of other low-skilled work? You could reach $15 B easily. You will say that compared to $17 trillion, or to the cost of the invasion of Iraq, it's not a big amount. I will totally disagree.

#2 Parent [poster] - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

Illegal field workers are very good for the US economy. Without them, the price of fruit and veggies would be much higher.

It's true, you might pay 80 cents for a tomato instead of 63 cents. Your entire fruit budget might increase by $30 a year!

#3 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

And the robots are precisely why manufacturing jobs have left America in the past 2-3 decades. Those jobs did not go to China (nobody in America, not even illegal immigrants, would work for $1 a day). So, trump will soon learn that the lost jobs were taken by micro chips. And they won't come back.

It will be fun to watch how soon he will forget that he ever said that he would bring manufacturing jobs back in America. I am starting to enjoy watching the news again.

#4 Parent [poster] - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

it is a job for sure that no US natives want to do:

In States where they do not have illegal aliens working those lowly jobs - who do you think does those jobs?

In countries that don't have illegal aliens - who do you think does those jobs?

and why do you think those jobs are too lowly and horrible for the better American citizens but good enough for Mexicans? Racist much?

(for what its worth: all those jobs can be replaced with 'automation' anytime now. All the technology, products, machines, robots are all 100% ready to get installed. Given a few years they will reduce the price of fruits and vegetables too)

#5 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals

Illegal field workers are very good for the US economy. Without them, the price of fruit and veggies would be much higher.
And it is a job for sure that no US natives want to do: the field workers are certainly not taking the job of any native.
Same applies to people working in hotels, landscaping, and many other places.

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