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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-08
Re: Re projection

Re" Obama has increased America's debt by 9 trillion dollars " Please provide a
source! At best, this is false news, you are misleading readers. At worst, you are
uneducated and you "re-tweet" fake news read on the internet. See below on 3
ways to calculate the deficit

Washington Post
New York Times
CBS News

All re-tweeted, uneducated, fake news reports I suppose?

The trouble with people such as yourself is that you don't like facts. If the facts don't fit your theory, then the facts must be wrong.

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-08
Re projection

From factcheck.org. The list ends with "Caution: No single number can tell the whole story."

Some of these numbers are pretty good.

Remember that Obama came to power at the height of the big Bush recession. He took us (and the international economy) out of there.

#3 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-08
Re projection

At the village and town level, China does have elections that are not 'party' controlled.
In a similar manner, in the U.S. local communities do somewhat democratically elect their Sheriff and Judges and town officials.
At the state and national level, the parties take over - in both countries.

#4 Parent Curious - 2016-12-08
Re: Re projection

Re" Obama has increased America's debt by 9 trillion dollars " Please provide a source! At best, this is false news, you are misleading readers. At worst, you are uneducated and you "re-tweet" fake news read on the internet. See below on 3 ways to calculate the deficit

#5 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-08
Re projection

China does not have a democratically elected government. It has been a dictatorship since

Tell me what's 'democratic' about the West other than the fact we can 'democratically' elect our 'dictator'.

Once in office, who do they fear?

Obama has increased America's debt by 9 trillion dollars (though his election promise was to reduce it); Killary would almost certainly send us into WWIII had she been elected, (Trump may do the same)......this list could go on and on.............

We PUT these people into positions of power, thus essentially giving them a mandate to do anything they like for the 'good' of the country.

How many PEOPLE on this planet actually WANT this kind of 'democratic dictatorship'?

Big Deal ! China doesn't actually ELECT its government, but that's the only difference I can see from where I'm sitting.

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