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#1 Parent Lyn - 2006-10-17
Thanks! - Teachers Discussion

Thanks Julia for the latest info that you dropped off. That is something that I was not aware of at all about the change of province and you would have to go back to the province that you were married in to apply. A different system here! I get the sense that here is China everything is about control! I do understand how the locals are ok with it but I do know many who are questioning things here but I am drifting away here. As to fish4esl I am from Canada and I can understand to a small degree that our embassies are programmed for peoples questions about our countries and not so much about he country that you are in or the country that you want to go to. Still it is shocking to how many questions could not be answered the day that I was at my embassy. Anyways I am now better armed here than I was last week and I thank you both for your help here. Tell as many people as you can about this discussion board to new teachers to help them to be better informed on the country that they are coming to work in. Struggle on everyone!

#2 Parent Julia - 2006-10-16
Why I didn't......... - Teachers Discussion

Hey Lynn,
Thanks for your message back and to answer your question I never did apply for a Chinese ID. The reason being was that my ex husband was from Liaoning province and that is where we got married. Right after getting married we went back to Zhejiang province and when I did look into it I was told that I would have to do this in the province I got married in. Liaoning and Zhejiang are quite far and I really couldn't have been bothered to go back up there to do it. However I do know that being married doesn't change the need for you a foreigner to have to get a Z visa for work. I too looked into this and was told " you are still a foreigner and need the proper visa to work in China". I laughed too when I read your response back to Fishesl about having asked these questions at the Embassy and them not knowing. When I was opening a business in Shanghai I couldn't believe the responses I got and the misinformation I received from people. These were not just people off of the street but people who work in government and business sections. Very frustrating to say the least.....anyways take care and I hope everything works out for you in the end. Have a great day!!

#3 Parent Lynn - 2006-10-16
Marriage ?? - Teachers Discussion

Thank you both for your emails Julia and fish4esl. I now know more than I did when I posted my questions and I will think hard on it too Julia. I did go to my embassy with this question Fish4esl but they could not answer. The clerk tried to be helpful but she did not know the answer. Julia did you ever try to get your Chinese ID during your time that you were married and if not may I ask why not? I am sorry that your marriage did not work out and I am not saying that mine will. Best to you all there and thanks again!

#4 Parent Julia - 2006-10-15
Marriage in China - Teachers Discussion

Hey Lynn, I was married to a Chinese for 4 years and even though you are married you will always need to get a Z visa for working. I have lived and worked in China for the last 10 years. As for your other question I am not sure as I didn't do this.....please think long and hard about getting married over here. I had a little bit of trouble applying for a divorce. There is so many things that I wish I had known back than.......if I had I never would have gotten married....Good Luck and I wish you the best!!!

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