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#1 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2016-12-15
Re: Re China VS The West

so I guess it's some form of colloquial (British) English expression.

No, it is said and heard in North America, too.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-15
Re: Re China VS The West

...meaning the truth will come out? (sorry for asking, not familiar with this expression)

Yeah, I know, it's weird, but you are correct in your understanding of the meaning. It's something my Grandma used to say too, so I guess it's some form of colloquial (British) English expression.

#3 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-15
Re: Re China VS The West

...meaning the truth will come out? (sorry for asking, not familiar with this expression)

#4 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-15
Re: Re China VS The West

As the old book says: my truth will save me.

Haha, or as my old Mum always says, "The truth will 'out'"

#5 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-15
Re: Re China VS The West

As the old book says: my truth will save me.

#6 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-15
Re: Re China VS The West

You really stick to your belief, Foxy. That's a good thing. In general.
If you had some French background, you would be aware of the following meaning for fifi:
"pédé, tapette, fifi, gay, homo; they're all words (some offensive) to describe a
homosexual male."

I grew up in England and went to a school where learning French was mandatory. I am well aware of the meanings of 'Fifi'. Needless to say I was being polite when referencing it to being a girl's name, and therefore your name-of-choice on this board. It's also quite a common name for a dog, however, I remain as much convinced that you're not a dog as I do that you are not homosexual, lol.

#7 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-15
Re: Re China VS The West

You really stick to your belief, Foxy. That's a good thing. In general.
If you had some French background, you would be aware of the following meaning for fifi:
"pédé, tapette, fifi, gay, homo; they're all words (some offensive) to describe a homosexual male."

#8 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-14
Re: Re China VS The West

Foxy, I didn't know you have a sense of humor. It's quite a funny post.

You assume I am a girl/female, though....

Oh, yes, I can assure you that I have a very good sense of humour. Most of my friends would describe it as 'warped', but hey, that's just jealousy, lol.

As for being a girl, well let's look at the evidence....

1) Fifi is not exactly a name fit for a man.
2) You admitted struggling to type 'Mrs Fifi Silverboy', and this would be totally inherent female behaviour.
3) You didn't reject SBPD's marriage proposal.
4) You have just admitted (in another post) that you and SBPigsy are now married.

So there you have it. These are NOT the actions of a self-respecting guy, come to think of it, they're also not the actions of a NON-self-respecting guy, therefore you must be a girl.

I'd like to explain further, but sadly I don't have time now as I'll be late giving Sherlock his lesson. :D

#9 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-14
Re: Re China VS The West

Foxy, I didn't know you have a sense of humor. It's quite a funny post.

You assume I am a girl/female, though....

#10 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-14
Re: Re China VS The West

You know, I'd seriously consider getting myself ordained just so I could conduct the ceremony. I can picture it now......

'Do you, sweet Fifi, take this m m m ma....misogynist pig, as your lawful wedded husband; to have and to (occasionally) hold, from this day until he's bored with you; in bars or in clubs; for worse or for more worse; in sickness and in sickening; for poorer or skint; in brothels or in massage parlours; for as long as he allows you to live?

Do you, SBPigDog, take sweet Fifi as your lawful wedded wife; to hurt and abuse, from this day until you get bored with her; to coerce her into drunken orgies; to buy her a bar; to sexually enslave her according to Pattaya's 'holy' law?'

I promise I won't make you say 'I do' - you can just say.....'Oh, go on then!', lol

#11 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-14
Re: Re China VS The West

Taffy, would you be the Best Man at the ceremony? Mrs Fifi Silverboy (my fingers refused to type that name at first... ) would like that.

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