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#1 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-15
Re: Re How the weather affected the outcome of world war 2

I think trump was referring, another time also, to "300 lb WOmen in their bed in New Jersey", i.e. obese women who can't even leave their bed....

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-15
Re How the weather affected the outcome of world war 2

Humanity, as a whole, will never fully wake up. Technology is the new opiate of the people,

Yes, there certainly is reason to despair.

Technology may however become a force for democracy. State actors and elites will find it difficult to control the internet's evolution. Xi Dada is correct in his fear of it.

Hopefully individuals (as Trump would say: 300 lb men in their bedrooms in New Jersey) will find the power to destroy markets and corporate media. Chaos is the only thing that elites fear.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-14
Re How the weather affected the outcome of world war 2

Here we are, on the cusp of year 2017, and yet we as a race show ourselves to be amazingly
without compassion.

Compassion; empathy; self-awareness. People are so concentrically 'stuck' in the hamster-wheel that they cannot see what's happening around them. Yet if they somehow manage to, they either have no idea what they can do about it, or have little time to care.

Does anyone remember that 'crazy' British guy, David Icke? He could easily have been taken away by the 'men-in-the-white-coats' 20 years ago, but I'll give the guy credit where it's due, he's been relentless. Once you separate the 'wheat from the chaff' in what he's been saying for 25 years, you'll find that if you take a step back and listen to much of what he says, (with an open mind), you may find he's mostly been right all along. The proverbial 'chickens' are coming 'home to roost'.

#4 Parent heretosay - 2016-12-14
Re How the weather affected the outcome of world war 2

My thoughts exactly, TD.

Here we are, on the cusp of year 2017, and yet we as a race show ourselves to be amazingly without compassion. Those who would rather take a world view, recognizing that what is true for others is true for ourselves and, therefore, speak out against nationalism and chest thumping and self aggrandizement, are met with derision and tagged with sophomoric labels. Especially in this forum - many posters here are seemingly educators with no real education - no matter what they claim.

In my mind there is no way to justify the mass slaughter of innocents. The Tokyo fire bombings were not mentioned in one of your posts, but that's another glaring example of such slaughter. (2000 tons of incendiary bombs over a 48 hour period - killing up to 200,000 innocent civilians and injuring nearly as many and displacing a million people - non-combatants, men, women, children, the elderly, the sick and the very, very poor.)

More bombs were dropped on the civilian populations of North Vietnam than had ever been dropped in the history of warfare; that is, if you took all the bombs ever used and piled them in one pile, it would not match what was dropped on North Vietnam. Much of it wasted actually because the Vietnamese developed an excellent network of tunnels and bomb shelters. Nevertheless there were many lives lost, but hey, that's okay, eh? After all just a bunch of dirty commies and barbarians.

Humanity, as a whole, will never fully wake up. Technology is the new opiate of the people, as the planetary puppeteers continue to manipulate us all and we become less and less concerned about the absurdity of borders and the notion that they are they and we are us.

#5 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-14
Re How the weather affected the outcome of world war 2

Bombing civilian targets is acceptable if the civilian population are barbarians also.

By your reasoning all German citizens and all Japanese citizens are barbarians who deserve annihilation by 'brave' U.S. and British fighter pilots dropping bombs on women and children. Would you like to add additional nation-states to the list?

Barbaric indeed.

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