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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-15
Re How the weather affected the outcome of world war 2

I am quite prepared to listen to anything he has to say. As for the Moon, it is an extremely
impressive object. Those figures you mention are interesting, but probably really just a
coincidence. It is essentially a dead chunk of rock with no atmosphere, although the
helium 3 in the lunar soil will be useful if anyone works out how to build a nuclear
fusion reactor.

Randomness and determinism and all that stuff. There are many coincidences in our solar
system. The Earth is at just the right distance from our star, the Sun.

Jupiter thanks to it's size and gravity protects the Earth from getting hit by most of the
largest comets. It is why extinction events from comet impacts are rare and only happen
every 60 million years or so.

As for lizards, yep, sounds far fetched, but there have been many reports about reptilian
type aliens. Some Aboriginal rock art in Australia which is 8000-10,000 years old
appears to depict what are aliens and alien spacecraft. No way they could have made this
up IMO. Then you compare it with 20 th century reports............well....

Plenty of evidence now to suggest the Grey type aliens might really exist. What we think is
impossible may not be.

Yeah, well the coincidence (moon) is argued as being so far-fetched that it's impossible.

Compare the size of Jupiter's moons to that of ours. In fact, compare the size of the moons on any of our solar system's planets to the relative size of ours, and you have the basis for the theory of the book.

Humanoid skeletons as tall as 18m have been found all over the planet. One cave delivered over 300 of them a couple of years ago.

When we look at the Egyptian pyramids, Machu Picchu, and hundreds of man-made artifacts around the world that we couldn't build today, what are we supposed to believe?

The world was once ruled by creatures of a massive size. Dinosaurs, huge marine creatures, etc. Doesn't it follow that man was also much bigger back then?

The carvings on ancient walls depict lizards, tall humans, even men in 'spacesuits'. Even the Bible talks of 'Giants'. These carvings also depict what we might call 'flying saucers', yet these carvings are tens of thousands of years old. They recently unearthed a human skeleton that had been 'frozen' beneath a layer of slate. Below the slate was a thick bed of limestone. Geologists calculated that the skeleton must have been about 30 million years old, yet mainstream morons will have us believe that the human race is nothing short of 5000 years old.

Re-writing history books is far more difficult that hiding the truth. I am not a 'conspiracy theorist' by any means, but evidence is evidence, fact is fact. I'll believe whatever I want to believe until you prove otherwise. Once I see the proof, I have no choice but to change my belief.

There's a thing called the 'Genesis 6 experiment'. It takes away all religious connotations from the Bible and deals with facts alone. It's pretty damning ! I sincerely suggest you read it.

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