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#1 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-15
Re: Re Your opinion about the School Reviews board

Great post!

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-15
Re Your opinion about the School Reviews board

Do you think that the Reviews
board should be used only for info on specific schools? Or at least as much as possible?

The problem with the Review board is that we only get to hear one side of the story; that of the FT. Whilst that is often good enough, especially if it is articulate and explained well, it's still only one-side of the story.

Without giving unnecessary credence to the stories of corrupt FAO's, misunderstanding of culture, 'face', and even language-barriers can sometimes exacerbate a problem that could have otherwise been avoided.

If you want to simplify the system as much as possible, the first few thoughts that spring to mind are these:

1. Don't even THINK about working in China unless you have the correct credentials. a) a Z-visa. b) an authenticated/verified degree. c) TESOL/TEFL/TESL.

2. If anyone tells you that the above is not necessary, they are bare-faced liars and should be given the widest berth possible. Failure to heed this warning could see you arrested, fined, deported, and with no chance of returning to China for up to 5 years.

3. There are 'good schools' and 'bad schools'; there are 'good agents' and there are 'bad agents'. Trust your instinct; do your 'homework'; ask a million questions on as many forums as possible.

4. FT's in China are becoming fewer and fewer. This means it's essentially a 'buyer's market'. Don't accept a monthly salary of less than RMB10K in smaller cities, or less than RMB15K in bigger ones. (Beijing is not worth going to for less than RMB18K per month).

5. If you are honest with yourself and decide you cannot teach English grammar effectively, then training centres are OK, (despite Turnoi's disapproval), providing you stick to the bigger franchises such as WEB or Global IELTS. Avoid EF (English First) and Disney English at all costs. 'Meten English' is OK if you go to a major city, otherwise avoid it like the plague. Xin Dong Fang (Beijing New Oriental) have both training centres and heaps of schools (including 17 campuses throughout Beijing), so they are OK too. Avoid the small, non-franchised training centres at all costs or you'll be screwed. Also avoid long-distance 'on-line' teaching because you won't get paid!

6. If you initially take a job in a training centre, aim to get out of there as quickly as possible and into a school. That means a 12-month contract, maximum, just to get experience and to find-your-feet with regards to the subjects/areas you enjoy teaching and find yourself to be good at.

7. If you are a female, under 30, and love kids, then kindergartens can be rewarding both job-wise and salary-wise. However, if you're a guy in your 50's, avoid them because it's really hard work!

8. Primary schools are OK for all, but only if you genuinely love kids.

9. Middle/High schools can be OK, but the level of English ability in the same class can vary from excellent to absolute shite! Therefore it can be somewhat 'challenging' to say the least, especially when you have to write your own exams.

10. Universities are the best option for serious teachers who genuinely love teaching. However, the pay is seriously 'abusive', even when taking into account the low cost-of-living in China. RMB5000 per month is enough to EXIST on, so unless you have another source of income (perhaps in your home country), or are already well-off, universities should be avoided simply due to the lousy salary.

'BeenThere'. I probably could have answered this better after giving it more thought. However, I just read your post and replied with a somewhat 'knee-jerk' reaction. That said, I stand by everything I have written above, and if anyone ignores it they shouldn't expect to have their complaint on the Review board taken seriously. (IMHO)

BeenThere - 2016-12-15
Your opinion about the School Reviews board

Sometimes I go through the latest posts of the Scam Alerts board and if I can, I write a few words that might help open the eyes of a naive teacher who WANTS to believe that the (Nigerian) job offer will truly give him US$7000/month + free apt in the heart of London with car, no diploma required, etc. Same for the Schools and Recruiters Reviews board. The main purpose of the Reviews board is to provide information to teachers who are interested in a specific school (e.g. Is that school a shit hole? Or is it kinda decent? Or has it improved in the last couple of years under new management? Or is no information available and if so, what does it mean? Is it a scam? etc.). On a regular basis, I read on the Reviews board posts by teachers, mostly new teachers, who are really wondering about specific schools, they want to know because they are in the process of applying for a job, it's kinda urgent for them to get as much info as they can in order to make an important decision in their life.

This site is quite good at allowing complaints against schools that would not often be allowed on some other well known ESL sites (where - for example - the schools advertise).

But the teachers have to go through dozens of posts - most or at least many of them interesting but that's beside the point - that have nothing to do with specific schools: Topics branch out as they do on the Forum. Which is OK for a Forum. But it can be frustrating and counter productive on the Reviews board. Do you think that the Reviews board should be used only for info on specific schools? Or at least as much as possible?

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