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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-20
Re You the Brexit supporters....

Would love to read your thoughts, Foxy and Taffy included.

As far as I am concerned, (right now, at least), it means more £ for less RMB. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

I look at it this way, Curious:

There are quite a few people in this world that didn't vote for Trump, yet will be affected by what he does. There are lots of people who didn't vote for Brexit, yet will be affected by its final outcome.

Essentially it's us, the people, who put our so-called 'leaders' into the 'corridors of power', then we have no choice but to dance to their tune.

I'm sure Turnoi will claim the picture (below) to be that of one of his 'dancing monkeys' - yet what's the difference?

In society, we're ALL 'dancing monkeys'!

Curious - 2016-12-20
You the Brexit supporters....

.... what do you think of this? Would love to read your thoughts, Foxy and Taffy included.

Or what the hell, it's Christmas, and you don't want to be bothered with thinking, right?

More than half of British adults under 35 expect to be worse off financially because of the country's decision to leave the European Union, according to a new CNN/ComRes poll

The decision sent the British pound plummeting. It has lost over 17% against the dollar since the referendum.

The process of withdrawing from the EU hasn't started yet, but the government has already been forced to scrap its fiscal targets and plan for higher borrowing because growth is expected to slow as a result of Brexit.

Prices of many everyday items have gone up too, as companies struggle with the higher cost of imports.

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