Return to Index › Re a penis tower?
#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-20
Re: Re a penis tower?

Read an article recently about the statue of David. He has a small trouser worm. Like all
statues of that time. I read that in that time, to be an intellectual was considered the
top of the line while being sexual/sexuated was considered low-life/animal-like.

Well, according to that, if intellect is related to the size of one's trouser-worm, Einstein and Stephen Hawking have nothing on me, lol.

It may be small, but it's certainly capable of doing some 'damage', lol.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2016-12-20
Re: Re a penis tower?

Read an article recently about the statue of David. He has a small trouser worm. Like all statues of that time. I read that in that time, to be an intellectual was considered the top of the line while being sexual/sexuated was considered low-life/animal-like.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-20
Re a penis tower?

Anyway, I don't think the tower really look like a penis, others do!

Might look like Taffy's, mate, but it sure doesn't look anything like my tiny 'trouser-worm', lol

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