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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-21
Re: Re You the Brexit supporters....

How many times do we hear words like, 'Them bloody Pakis comin' here, takin' all our jobs and gettin' free government handouts...'?

If the British government suddenly said, 'We are going to war with Pakistan', those same people would be jumping for joy....'Bloody parasites; bleeding our government; go on, let's have a war with them, they deserve it!'

Whose FAULT is it in the first place that these people are going to the UK, Australia, etc, and getting government handouts?

The government entices them; gives them what the rest of us see as being 'favourable treatment', then sits back and laughs at the majority of the population screaming and shouting about it. Taffy and Pigsy included!

'Blame the Pakis'? Yeah, right!

I wonder how Pigsy would feel if the Thai government told all Australians that if they go to Pattaya in January they can have as many girls as they like and the government will pay. All Brits, Americans, Canadians, etc, have to pay for themselves as usual.

Suddenly Pigsy becomes the target of abuse from those Brits, Americans, Canadians, etc, and for what? His 'crime' is that he belongs to an 'ethnic minority' who happen to be Australians.

Think about it, people,.......then think about your own 'racist attitude', (if you have one).

#2 Parent Curious - 2016-12-20
Re: Re You the Brexit supporters....

Lost of good points in your post, Foxy. Thank you for showing us the "other side". Not all, but I can relate to many of the things you wrote.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-20
Re You the Brexit supporters....

The thing that annoys people is when they find their neigbourhood full of Paki's, Indian's,
Muslims and hardly anyone speaks English. I watched a doco last August and black and
white people who had lived in East London for many years were planning to leave. They
said, "this is not England anymore". "People here can't even speak English".

For years, the government in England would spout the fact that 'we live in a multi-cultural society'. What they meant was, 'we live in a society that contains people from different countries'. That is NOT 'multiculturalism'.

These people want to live in countries such as the UK, Australia, etc, because they feel safer there than they do in their home country. Either that, or they choose to live there because the environment is better.

That said, they want to bring with them their cultures, (that's OK), their beliefs, (that's OK up to a point), and their rules-of law, (not OK).

They are also not prepared to learn English; preferring instead to mix with their own 'kind' just so they can talk in their native language, and then essentially create their own little 'worlds' that are totally oblivious to the 'world' that they have chosen to live in. This is 'multiculturalism' - at least as far as the government is concerned.

When I moved to Australia in 2000, I witnessed a different kind of 'multiculturalism', one that was more akin to what I understood the word 'multiculturalism' to mean.

Cultures come from our up-bringing, our ancestors, what is considered to be 'acceptable' in the country in which we were born. Take those same 'cultures' to another country and they have a completely different meaning - a meaning that is 'pandered to' by the government.

'Oh, you can't say 'Happy Christmas' in case you 'offend' the Muslims or the Chinese.' WTF? They can have their 'Ramadan' or 'Chinese Lunar New Year', or whatever, and we shouldn't be 'offended'?

This is exactly what you and Pigsy keep referring to. It's WRONG!

'Christmas', as a holiday, has literally been 'written-out' of our school contract this year. 'Party B will not get any holiday time during Christmas'.

That's OK, we are in China - who cares? What would happen if a member of an ethnic minority was employed in the UK and had Ramadan (or whatever) 'written-out' of his work contract?

'Racism' is not inherent. It's something that governments fiercely instill in us. They WANT us to be 'racist' so we feel more at ease, or support them when they attack, or go to war, with other countries, then they tell us that we 'shouldn't' feel racist because it's 'wrong'.

Manipulation - that's all. Wake-up, you idiots! We are essentially throwing our 'vengeance' at the wrong people.

We elect our 'leaders' to tell us what we can and can't do. WTF? I've said it before and I'll say it again, out of a population of 330 million people, are we expected to believe that Trump and Clinton are the BEST they can offer the American electorate?

Oh, pleease!

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