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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-21
Re an immigrant's shoulders

Rich educated white people embrace immigration, to clean their homes, trim their grass, clean
their kids diapers and keep their factories and hotels running. Rich Chinese people
embrace immigrants to dance in English for their children.

Ain't THAT the truth !!

Oh, and we don't just 'dance' for these brats, we babysit them too - don't forget that bit!

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2016-12-21
Re: Re an immigrant's shoulders

Tough message, TD.
Hopefully, it will open some eyes

#3 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-21
Re an immigrant's shoulders

You're missing the point.

pDog may miss the point but Daffy understands the meaning. Interestingly, they personify the two sides of the anti-immigrant movement.

Many immigrant 'bashers' are just ignorant of the way that society works and the role immigration plays in economic development and capital consolidation. In between criticizing immigrants they are busy abusing substances, alcohol and women.

But there are many other educated individuals whose anger is a deep resentment of people that they feel are responsible for their own lack of material wealth and 'success'. Ironically it is these same people who lecture immigrants on personal responsibility while absolving themselves of any hand in their own fiscal plight. If they are expats scraping out a living, themselves immigrants, it is the host country that is the demon.

Rich educated white people embrace immigration, to clean their homes, trim their grass, clean their kids diapers and keep their factories and hotels running. Rich Chinese people embrace immigrants to dance in English for their children.

#4 Parent heretosay - 2016-12-21
Re an immigrant's shoulders

You're missing the point.

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