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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-29
Re The dead end known as ESL.

Love it! Absolutely and unequivocally love it.

In that it is meant to be seen by the Piglet, though, it will fall upon blind eyes.

Not 'blind eyes', more of a numb brain!

Let's all go to Pattaya and screw cheap hookers, (who are NOT money-grabbers, by the way, lol); drink cheap beer; berate all FT's, and then tell the world how 'successful' we are..........

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-29
Re The dead end known as ESL in Pigsy's world

Whilst I respect everyone's right to state their opinion, why do you constantly insist that anyone who doesn't share your worldview is a loser?

'Don't get involved with a Chinese woman, they're bad, go and pay for one in Pattaya instead'
'Teaching ESL? Oh, you're a loser!'
'Living in China? Why? You're a loser who can't get employment in his/her own country!'

Perhaps you should go and take a long hard look in the mirror, Pigsy.

You've failed in your marriage; you're living with Mummy; the highlight of your life is getting rat-arsed in Pattayan bars and then desperately trying to bed the cheapest hooker you can find. That's 'life'?? .......Really? Each to their own, but please forgive me if I don't share your enthusiasm for the same.

I put it to you that you hate ESL teaching because you failed at being an ESL teacher. I put it to you that you hate Chinese women because you've never had a meaningful relationship with one. I put it to you that you consider FT's salaries to be 'pathetic' because you were never good enough to earn anything higher than the lowest wage. I put it to you that it is YOU who remains the 'loser', and NOT people who do not share the same pathetic worldview that you do.

I also put it to you that your OP here was totally uncalled for, probably written whilst in a drunken stupor, needless, pointless, and just another example by which to show everyone here that your nickname, 'Toddler', is well-deserved.

#3 Parent heretosay - 2016-12-29
Re The dead end known as ESL.

Love it! Absolutely and unequivocally love it.

In that it is meant to be seen by the Piglet, though, it will fall upon blind eyes.

#4 Parent Foxy - 2016-12-29
Re The dead end known as ESL.

A picture speaks a thousand words, perhaps?

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