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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-03
Re: Re troll nourishment

Interesting that on BBC.com, at this very moment, Australia is listed as one of the most
hospitable of 55 countries from which those surveyed - 48,000 online responders in G8
countries - were to choose based on certain criteria.

It's true. However, what they don't tell you is how bloody expensive it is to live in Australia. For the last 4 years Aus has been listed as 'The most expensive country in the world to live'

We all know that the US$ is pretty much 'global currency', so if we use the US$ as a 'yardstick' and relate the cost-of-living in other countries to the US$, the results are surprising.....

Let's say that the US$ is 100%.....

Australia sits at a whopping 163% (so 63% more expensive than the US), whilst China sits at 55% (45% cheaper than the US).

The UK, Canada and New Zealand are around 111%, Malaysia 49%, India 30%, the list goes on.....

Australia is a stunningly beautiful country with clean air, wonderful beaches and a lovely climate. However, the PC Brigade are running at full-throttle and the government spends millions of dollars per year on 'fines enforcement'.

Pigsy gave a perfect example the other day when he cited someone being fined $160 for doing 4kph over the (zero-tolerance) speed limit.

A mate of mine was driving home from Perth airport at 4am. His car was less than 10 days old. Not a soul on the road, he changed lanes without indicating. Suddenly, from outer-space, the PC controlled police hit their blues-and-two's and pulled him over. When he protested, they put an 'unworthy for road use' sticker on his brand new car which meant it had to undergo an inspection that cost him $200. Add that to the $150 fine and that was $350 straight into government coffers.

Take 2 bottles of wine (instead of one) to the beach in Western Australia, or light up a cigarette 19 metres from the airport exit (instead of 20).............go on, I DARE you !

From what I've been told, Canada is even worse! I find that difficult to believe, but I have no desire to go there to find out.

Hail China.............we can do what the f*ck we like as long as we hurt no-one!

#2 Parent heretosay - 2016-12-31
Re: Re troll nourishment


Interesting that on BBC.com, at this very moment, Australia is listed as one of the most hospitable of 55 countries from which those surveyed - 48,000 online responders in G8 countries - were to choose based on certain criteria.

Here's the kicker, though:

".... having friendly and welcoming residents." Yep, that's one of the criteria.

I guess we can all draw our own conclusions, but it would seem that these responders are either ill-informed or living in a cyber-world where reality is but a ghost compared to what it used to be.

Not that I necessarily have a firm grasp on reality myself. It may be true that we are living in a matrix.

#3 Parent Curious - 2016-12-31
Re: Re troll nourishment

SB, those articles about the island prisons that Australia keeps at Manus and Nauru really do not look good for your country (someone else also brought that topic two weeks ago on this board).

Don't blame the NYT: It's an excellent publication and Roger Cohen is a most excellent journalist.

What I am saying, SB, is that Manus and Nauru are cruel concentration camps.

Of course you don't give a shit, mostly that Pattaya is almost in sight.

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