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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-08
Re: problem

There is no actual community online.

Really? What's this then? A poster posts, another poster replies....and so on...
You seem to be drawing a comparison between comments on what we call a 'DISCUSSION BOARD' and comments made below a YouTube video!
Discussion boards are, by their very nature, a form of 'online community'.

Turnoi and Daffy and Foxy are composites of
postings that individuals can, and often do, weave into what they believe are actual
people. We engage in fantasy and narrative creation of all types to fill the void in our
actual lives. As adults we certainly have the right to do that. I would hope that adults
are aware that they are engaging in fantasy when they post online, but apparently many
believe in this sense of 'community'. If you are 'outraged' or 'hurt' by 'Trump
Diplomacy', you should consider how you view your online 'relationships'.

Not a question of being 'hurt', dear, it's more a question of wasting valuable time, thought and effort in replying to someone who we foolishly THOUGHT needed some help and advice!

Don't get the feelings of being 'hurt' and 'pissed-off' mixed up.

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-08
Re: problem

The 'Internet' isn't. However, certain discussion boards are NOT seen as being 'The
Internet' per se. They may be ON the Internet, but there are many, many discussion
boards where this type of chat is prevalent. By posting pictures of himself and Esther,
Taffy is no longer as 'anonymous' as he was. You, on the other hand, remain 'anonymous'
as to your true identity. Therefore discussing such 'issues' is akin to discussing them
in the third-person.

This is the crux of the issue that I failed in attempting to address.

There is no actual community online. The 'real' Turnoi and Daffy and Foxy are composites of postings that individuals can, and often do, weave into what they believe are actual people. We engage in fantasy and narrative creation of all types to fill the void in our actual lives. As adults we certainly have the right to do that. I would hope that adults are aware that they are engaging in fantasy when they post online, but apparently many believe in this sense of 'community'. If you are 'outraged' or 'hurt' by 'Trump Diplomacy', you should consider how you view your online 'relationships'.

Children however are not participants in this fantasy play and too often they are victims. Posting documentary information and pictures of children online for 'communities' of anonymous posters is dangerous. Parents should know better. I consider these parents worthy of rebuke. And moderators should refuse those postings.

We're not in Facebook anymore, Dorothy. We can't block anyone.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-08
Re: problem

Yes, I'm sick.

No-one is now in any doubt.

I wondered how it is possible that
educated individuals, 'teachers', can actually commit the most important decisions of
their life, their parenting responsibility, to anonymous public debate.

It was a SCHOOL that Taffy was talking about......sending his daughter off to a SCHOOL ! Not exactly the same as discussing her potential joining of ISIS !

I simply could not believe that an actual parent could post pictures of his daughter, her
abysmal diet, dangerous and dismal living conditions and then actually muse about the
impact of her same sex boarding school with internet strangers.

Abysmal diet? One meal is hardly a 'diet'. When my son was growing up, his favourite 'meal' was a can of hot-dog sausages and a packet of bread rolls. That was his weekly 'treat' as far as he was concerned. He was only allowed to indulge on the proviso he ate more 'healthy' food during the rest of the week.

Dangerous and dismal living conditions? How do you figure that one out?

Internet strangers? Arguably so, but many of the regular posters here feel quite comfortable discussing certain topics between each other without fear of being judged too harshly, at least IMHO.

Children deserve privacy and protection? To a certain degree. Look at what all the 'privacy and protection' has done to many kids in China....it's turned them into spoiled brats who have no consideration for anyone but themselves. Kids need to know that there is a REAL WORLD outside their barricaded apartment door.

My post was an attempt to express this distress. I would NEVER post personal information
about my children on the internet.

Your distress? Epic FAIL! All you did was cause unnecessary distress to the posters on this board who were foolish enough to actually CARE!

I'm not surprised that my intent was lost on most posters.

It wasn't ! At least not for most of us. The sad fact remains that even though it was blindingly obvious to most of us, there was just a teeny-weeny nagging feeling that you MAY have been telling the truth.

And I'm saddened that posters could believe that the internet is an appropriate forum for matters of familial intimacy.

It isn't. The 'Internet' isn't. However, certain discussion boards are NOT seen as being 'The Internet' per se. They may be ON the Internet, but there are many, many discussion boards where this type of chat is prevalent. By posting pictures of himself and Esther, Taffy is no longer as 'anonymous' as he was. You, on the other hand, remain 'anonymous' as to your true identity. Therefore discussing such 'issues' is akin to discussing them in the third-person.

Yes, I'm sick.

Yes, you are! What's more, the poster known simply as 'Trump diplomacy' is now dead as far as I am concerned. I seriously doubt that any of the regular posters here will mourn your passing nor attend your 'funeral'.

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-01-07
Re: problem

It hurts

#5 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-07
Re: problem

Dear BeenThere,
If I sought redemption or parenting advice, the internet would not be my cathedral or counselor.
It is, however, a fertile playground for sexual predators, identity thieves, and troll terrorists.
It is not a place to parade your children.

#6 Parent BeenThere - 2017-01-07
Re: problem

We were trying to help.
Yes, we believed you.
I really felt sorry for you and was sad that I could not help but was relieved when a poster provided advice about Telluride that potentially seemed like a good place where to start a process/intervention/whatever.
Sorry that I can't offer redemption at this point in time, I am a little disappointed.

#7 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-07
Re: problem

the OP is one sick individual.

Yes, I'm sick.

Immediately following Daffy's survey of his daughter's future educational choices, fielding input from the forum's elite editorial board, I wondered how it is possible that educated individuals, 'teachers', can actually commit the most important decisions of their life, their parenting responsibility, to anonymous public debate.

pDog's puerile racist rants and prostitution fetish, though disgusting, harms no one but himself. If he had children, I would have a stridently different opinion of him.

I simply could not believe that an actual parent could post pictures of his daughter, her abysmal diet, dangerous and dismal living conditions and then actually muse about the impact of her same sex boarding school with internet strangers. Children deserve privacy and protection.

My post was an attempt to express this distress. I would NEVER post personal information about my children on the internet.

I'm not surprised that my intent was lost on most posters. And I'm saddened that posters could believe that the internet is an appropriate forum for matters of familial intimacy.

Yes, I'm sick.

#8 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-07
Re: problem

employment might be a problem in this maybe cock-and-bull-story.

Bloddy, I hope it isn't a cock-and-bull story. If it is, then the OP is one sick individual.

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