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#1 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-13
Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

I keep hearing how Clinton got much more of the popular vote than Trump did, and I certainly
don't want to sound cynical, but who said so?
The fact is that over the last few decades we have all been lied to, time and time again.

Trump's election has been valuable in focusing a spotlight on 'media', 'fake news', social network 'news'.

You don't need to be a philosophic idealist to question the nature of all information: now in the 'real' world intelligent people have been forced to address the quality, origin and intent of all data. Trump's questioning and loud disputation of any piece of information WORKS, partially because much of the information that we call 'news' actually is garbage and partially because people can't be bothered to 'credentialize' and partially because people just want to hear whatever supports their beliefs.

The U.S. populace has long embraced an enormously successful 'fake news' about U.S. exceptionalism, Democracy and equal opportunity.

As you point out, because of Trump the elites are now communicating a variety of 'fake news', whereas Hillary would no doubt have stayed 'on script'.

I believe there is a qualitative difference between NY Times reporting and some 400 lb Facebook writer in his New Jersey bed. I do, however, admit that with the corporate influence on media, the distinction is grayer and slimmer than ever before.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-13
Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

I don't recall the days of the 'feelgood-factor' in the U.S.

I'm not American, so I wouldn't. However, I DO remember it in the U.K.

I keep hearing how Clinton got much more of the popular vote than Trump did, and I certainly don't want to sound cynical, but who said so?

The fact is that over the last few decades we have all been lied to, time and time again. Bush and Tony Blair told us that Iraq had WMD, both Bush and Obama have been fighting alleged 'wars' in the Middle East for 15 years - none of which they can win. Now, the world is supposed to believe that Russia had an effect on the election, etc etc etc. Tempers are running high in America right now. One CNN journalist/reporter was so angry that he referred to Julian Assange as a pedophile and CNN had to publicly withdraw.

It's the old 'system' in America that's running scared - the people BEHIND the scenes (Soros, for example). Their days are numbered and they're not happy about it. Whether Trump succeeds or fails remains to be seen, but the whole world is watching, and he knows it.

For decades there has been a vast amount of American people living below the poverty line. Yet all the time the US government is spending trillions and trillions of dollars on its military, and for what? In case of an invasion? Who the hell is threatening the USA?

What gives you the right to choose to live in squalor and then come round to my clean but relatively untidy house and criticise me for being 'dirty'? Isn't that what the American government has been doing for decades?

The globalists amongst us, who favour this so-called 'new world order', are the ones who fear Trump the most. Trump's election victory, like Brexit, is proof that people are waking up and saying 'WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!'

Putin has proved his worth by waiting to see what Trump will do rather than to retaliate against the Obama sanctions for their alleged 'hacking'. Me personally, I'd trust Putin any day of the week over Obama and Clinton.

MSM has become so twisted that no-one believes a word that is seen on the national news anymore. Alternative media sources are riddled with idiots, yet the more trusted sources have a much larger audience than the likes of CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. Why? Because people simply don't know WHAT to believe anymore!
That would only continue (or get even worse) under a Clinton administration, but people live in hope that under Trump, it MAY get a little better.

For years China has been criticised for having a 'state-controlled news channel' - yet what has MSM become in the West? OK, so it may not be 'controlled' as such, but it's certainly manipulated, and I don't see much of a difference.

Hillary Clinton has been in politics for most of her life. Her personal wealth is reported to be around $45 million dollars. I'm sorry, but even Mr President only gets a salary of $1m a year. Trump may not be 'squeaky-clean' either, but at least he's made his money in business and not politics. I have a strong, yet hopeful, feeling that those who underestimate Mr Trump are going to feel rather foolish, rather quickly.

The most truthful words ever to come out of the mouth of Hillary Clinton were, "Actually, I have been very consistent.”

#3 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-13
Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

there's a
sense of the old 'feelgood-factor' creeping back in to the minds of the American people

I don't recall the days of the 'feelgood-factor' in the U.S. Perhaps you are referring to the 1950s during the post-war economic boom, thanks to European, Japanese and Russian economies devastated by the war. During Reagan years and the boom in 2005-8, the working class were mere observers, if not victims. In the country clubs, on the golf course, and in the boardroom there has been an uninterrupted 'feelgood-factor' for 30 years.

There are many rural pockets of Trump supporters who believe that the 'white working man' will benefit from Trump's presidency, despite their imminent loss of access to healthcare and diminished social services. I hope that they are correct. I hope that many quality jobs, improved healthcare, better schools and cheaper housing become products of the Trump administration. I don't believe it will happen, but I do not wish him to fail.

I am confident that reduced taxes on the wealthy, an end to 'the death tax', and a conservative Supreme Court WILL be Trump accomplishments, further concentrating capital and diminishing protection of women and minorities.

The fact remains however that Trump is a 'last hurrah'. Demographics are swamping 'white America'. As it is, Hillary received 3 million more votes. Future presidential campaigns will never again be able to rely on white working class support in swing states. Fortunately, the disdain that he is held in by the rest of the world acts to diminish U.S. 'soft power', hastening the transition to a world where global power is shared by a handful of nations. Pax Americana is over.

On a lighter note, I too enjoy living in China and find the cost of living substantially lower than in the United States. I also observe that the U.S. press is stridently anti-China and ignorant of the situation in China. Of course, part of the responsibility for that is due to China's limitations on foreign reporters. The squawking migratory flight of 'old school' FTs from China merely improves the situation for the FTs who remain, working legally and exhibiting their concern for the quality of their service to their students.

#4 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-13
Re: Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

I read about the new king a couple of weeks ago and his life in Europe (Germany?): scum, in
my opinion.

According to many people, the new king of Thailand is much lower than scum. He is richer (by far) than Queen Elizabeth, and even has his own personal fighter jet plane to play with. Makes George Soros look like a pussycat by comparison.

#5 Parent Curious - 2017-01-12
Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

If you find a good hollow and relatively clean tree trunk in some remote mountain, lemme know: I want to hibernate too. Wake me up in 4 years.

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-01-12
Re: Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

You scare me, BeenThere. I hope SB will be cautious.

I read about the new king a couple of weeks ago and his life in Europe (Germany?): scum, in my opinion. At least the old king had morals and the Thai people love him for that. Now, who are they going to love and who will inspire them to raise above the political and day to day chaos?

#7 Parent BeenThere - 2017-01-12
Re: Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

"You cannot move without someone spying on you, waiting for you to do something 'wrong' so they have an excuse to fine you." Not like that in America.

Sorry to read about the "suicide" police reports. Not only they enable criminality but they leave the families of the "suicideds" to feel horrible for decades: Imagine the father and mother of a 22 year old that got "suicided". They are not yet 50, they still have many decades to live. They will fly to Bangkok and then wherever in the country, trying to find the truth. It is in nobody's interest to help them. They will return home....

#8 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-12
Re FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

Been trying not to read the news in the last week, but now going into full hibernation until
the day after January 20.

Awww, you should do, it's fun, lol! I LOVE watching the news and learning how Trump is being blamed for everything, especially on CNN (Clinton News Network). Apparently, a recent poll showed that a staggering 6% of Americans actually BELIEVE what they hear on CNN right now.

Despite the reservations of the crying libtards on this board, the stock market is up 1000 points, consumer-confidence is returning, and, for the first time in years, there's a sense of the old 'feelgood-factor' creeping back in to the minds of the American people.

That said, I really don't think that you are the only one going 'into full hibernation'. Many people are counting the days until January 20th. It's not only Americans, but people all over the world that are looking forward to the best night's sleep they've had in decades - the night of January 20th.

As for 60% of Americans not having savings of $500, that is extremely sad. Not only sad, but also proof of the legacy left by Bush and Obama.

If America is anything like Australia, then the people are taxed on the air that they breathe. You cannot move without someone spying on you, waiting for you to do something 'wrong' so they have an excuse to fine you.

Meanwhile, American news-anchors, journalists and politicians are unable to say the word 'China', in any context, without putting the word 'Communist' before it. Communist China this, communist China that.....It's as if 'communist' is somehow a 'dirty' or derogatory word.

It may be becoming more difficult for foreigners to live and work in China, but at least we are generally accepted by most Chinese people and not persecuted by policemen hiding behind a bush with a speed camera.

Pigsy's Pattaya, on the other hand, is in a country where ex-pats ARE persecuted. Both the authorities and the locals would much prefer it if planes carrying Western people simply flew over Thai airspace and threw their wallets and purses out of the plane. That way they get our tourist dollars without having to tolerate us. It has become 'the norm' in Thailand to find yet another Western 'suicide', almost on a daily basis now.

Suicide is so easy to prove in Thailand. There's a knock at your hotel-room door, you open the door and people force their way in. You are then robbed, murdered, tossed over the balcony (or left bleeding to death in bed), and as the perpetrators leave your room, they just 'click' and lock the door behind them. Police arrive, door is locked from the inside, therefore = suicide!

Pattaya Plunge / Phuket Flop / Bangkok Bounce - who cares what 'name' they give it. It's these poor 50 + year olds, 'spurned' by their Thai 'lover' and have nothing to live for that 'commit suicide' at such an alarming rate. Oh, Bless them !

Girls, sorry, pigs, are trained to have 'skills' since the age of 14, and by the time they become bar girls they have had more pricks than a second-hand dartboard. The 'age-of-consent' varies from 14-21 depending on how the arresting officer feels it should be on that particular day, and how much bribe-money he needs.

Talking of which, Pigsy must be reeling today. Apparently another 'under-age-sex bar' in Pattaya has just been closed.


Working in Thailand and saving money is about as impossible as it is in America, Australia, UK, etc. On a reasonable teaching salary in China it is possible to save around $1500 per month quite easily. I drink, smoke, have all the 'pleasures' in life that I want, and it never costs me more than 30% of my monthly salary.

I'd much rather tolerate the bureaucratic bullshit in China than I would the 'trappings' of Thailand or the police persecution in the UK or Australia. Being buried beneath an avalanche of incompetence (by school 'leaders') is a fair swap for having the ability to save a few bucks every month.

After all, it's not 'forever'!

BeenThere - 2017-01-12
FTs in China, take heart: "6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

Been trying not to read the news in the last week, but now going into full hibernation until the day after January 20.

Meanwhile, thought this news could be of interest to those of you who make little money teaching in China, thinking that you are the only ones who are poor: "Nearly six in 10 Americans don't have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense, according to a new report from Bankrate. Only 41% of adults reported having enough in their savings account to cover a surprise bill of this magnitude."

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