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#1 Parent Sigint - 2017-01-15
Re Who is tired of uncivilized behavior?

"Canadians will literally punch people in the face for that."

When that happens I will usually walk straightforward into them. I'm taller and bigger than any Chinese out here. When I do so they will yell "Ayaaaaaaa!" very angrily, but then I just keep walking out as if nothing was. Some of them tried to chase me down a couple times, I looked down at them with a "Whatcha gonna do?" face, which is enough to scare them away since I'm taller and bigger than them.

This and many other things. I will never wait for my neighbors when I see them walking down the hallway to the elevator, because they never wait for me. I will push and shove and elbow while in line. I will bump into people while walking down the street. I believe I am well integrated now, a true Chinese, "while in Rome".

#2 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-15
Re Who is tired of uncivilized behavior?

Canadians tend to have a very difficult time with the rude behavior.

Ah, the ever-polite politically-correct Canucks, right?

As I came out of the supermarket, (with my trolley/shopping cart), I headed for the escalator ramp. As I approached the top, a Chinese guy literally parked his trolley, lifted out his carrier back and proceeded onto the escalator whilst leaving his empty trolley blocking the way. I shouted 'OY!' as I rammed my trolley into the back of his, knocking it onto the escalator ramp. He ran off.

Waiting for 40 minutes in a queue to buy a train ticket, it was my turn to be served. As I took the final step towards the ticket counter, a Chinese guy stepped right in front of me and began talking to the clerk. I grabbed his shirt collar and threw him out of the way (I'm not a big guy, by the way). As I did so, several Chinese people behind me started clapping - much to my embarrassment.

I certainly believe that most Chinese people are also annoyed by the bad behaviour of the few, but are too 'polite' to act the same way as we might do. Just MHO.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-14
Re Who is tired of uncivilized behavior?

Too hot in the kitchen....? People know what to do!
I was reading an article yesterday about an Australian guy working in China, NOT teaching. He was bleating on about how his salary of RMB26000 per month is 'too low', and the fact that he was 'earning more than that 10 years ago in Australia'.

Well of course, he's FORCED to work here, right? He's FORCED to stay in a job that ONLY pays him 26K a month. What drugs are these morons on?

The cost-of-living in Australia has sky-rocketed during the last decade or so. Prices are absolutely ridiculous! In Western Australia, especially Perth's suburbs, at least HALF of the average take-home pay goes on rent, the rest on running a (necessary) car, food and bills.

Every year more and more retirees are heading out to Bali to live. They draw their monthly pension from AUS and spend it locally where their money has at least tree-times the buying-power. How good is THAT for the Australian economy?

What's their alternative? Oh, I know....they could sit at home in Australia all day and complain!

People who do nothing but whinge and whine really annoy me. Sure, China has its faults, just like any country, but if you are going to do nothing but complain about them then I'll happily give you a lift to the airport !

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-01-15
Re: Re Who is tired of uncivilized behavior?

Still shaking from the examples you provided.... yurk

#5 Parent CanadaDuckMan - 2017-01-14
Re Who is tired of uncivilized behavior?

Canadians tend to have a very difficult time with the rude behavior. Generally speaking Canadians are very polite even if they are informally so. There was a running joke by Americans on 'how to spot a Canadian' in a coffee shop or restaurant. They spill a drink and the 1st thing they will do is say 'sorry' out loud and begin cleaning the table. Then they will clean up their own clothes. They can be polite to a ridiculous level (again, informally) creating empty 'bubbles' around cashier counters and 3,4 and more people all insist the other one was first and should therefore go ahead, all insisting on moving back further and waving the other ones in ahead of them.

So no, they do not do well when an elevator door opens and Chinese don't care if you are exiting - they simply and immediately walk directly into the elevator (or subway car or door) making exiting people move around them. Canadians will literally punch people in the face for that. Snorting up huge gobs of phlegm or shooting snot out one nostril is absolutely horrifying to Canadians. They will go apoplectic if someone 'cuts in line' and I mean if a Canadian see's that and is not even waiting in that line. They just see it in another line-up (queue) they will shake with righteous indignation.

No, Canadians, maybe more than most others, they do not handle Chinese manners very well at all. In particular anything they deem as taking unfair advantage at the expense of others.

Arthur - 2017-01-14
Who is tired of uncivilized behavior?

I copied below part of a post by SB on the School Reviews board. I heard that Canadians complain a lot too. And I read a few articles to the same effect about the French.

By Pattaya Plunge/SB
Saturday, 14 January 2017, 4:47 am
In Response To: Re AFS - Foshan Shimen Middle School (Not impressed)

It's not just the Swiss who are sick of them. The Italians, Greeks, Thai's , Indonesians, ALL of them are sick and tired of uncivilized behavior by Chinese people.

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