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#1 Parent Curious - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

Foxy, most of the members of his cabinet are billionaires

#2 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

In Davos, the 8 richest men in the world, owning as much wealth at the bottom half of
humanity, are today running the world's capitalist parliament, discussing tax/tariff
avoidance, stabilizing debt instrument markets, and finding new indigent labor.

Since when has it been any different? Rich families such as Soros, Rothschild, the Royal families of the UK and Saudi, etc etc etc, have been running the world for hundreds of years. The 'sheeple' of the world are so naive as to think that it's actually the politicians running the country, when in fact these politicians are nothing other than puppets having their 'strings' pulled by the rich and powerful elite.

Administrations may change, but people behind the scenes don't. Perhaps this is yet another reason why Trump got elected. I wonder how amenable he will be when being told to toe-the-line?

#3 Parent Curious - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

PS to my previous post:
TD, I worked in Seattle in the software industry, for companies that do business with Microsoft; I can assure you that I NEVER heard anything that would justify even starting to think that Bill Gates is evil.

Seattle owes a lot to him. And so does the software industry and a big chunk of the technologies that were developed following his leadership. What he created has been obsolete for years now, but what is being developed today would not be in existence today without him. Or at least not yet or not so advanced. He was a real trail blazer.

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

TD, I strongly disagree that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are evil: Have you seen the fortunes that they keep giving every year to Gates' foundation and other charities. Buffet once said that he won't leave a penny to his children; he has been living in the same rustic humble house for decades. And I think Bill Gates intends to leave only a small amount to each of his children; the rest goes to Africa, finding vaccination solutions for malaria, etc. (I used to receive their newsletter: They give A LOT and they do a lot).

Slim seems to not always be good. I once spoke to people who work for TelNor (his telephone company in Northern Mexico): Slim's charitable pattern is to ask his employees to give money to an account at the company and once the goal is reached, he is the one who presents the check to the charity at a public event in front of the media.

Jeff Bezos's management of the warehouses of Amazon, I read a couple of times, is cold-hearted.

Zuckerberg so far? Bad?

Ellison.... I know of him but I don't know if he is evil. I know he has a big yacht but this is good for the yacht industry.

Bloomberg is certainly a good guy. He was a good mayor.

The Spanish guy, I did not know his name. No comments.

The Evil 8: Bill Gates (Microsoft), Amancio Ortega (Inditex), Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Michael Bloomberg.
#5 Parent Curious - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

Ha ha... I just posted about Davos, before seeing your post.

#6 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

Eligible voters in the U.S. number about 219 million. Our dead and our children only vote in Chicago.

I have never voted in a Presidential election. It is a farce.

Would you like to sign this with a blue or black pen? Coke or Pepsi?

When you are being f___ed, the appropriate response is to return the favor. Electoral college indeed.

Local elections are another matter, but on the state and federal level, voting is pablum.

In Davos, the 8 richest men in the world, owning as much wealth at the bottom half of humanity, are today running the world's capitalist parliament, discussing tax/tariff avoidance, stabilizing debt instrument markets, and finding new indigent labor.

The Evil 8: Bill Gates (Microsoft), Amancio Ortega (Inditex), Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Michael Bloomberg.

6 are U.S. citizens. Unfortunately (until recently) in the U.S. police state, we only assassinate presidents.

#7 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

He got 62,979,879, she got 65,844,954 which is 2,865,075 votes
more for Hillary.

So, out of a reported population of 330 million, around 60% didn't vote? You can bet your sweet-ass that it'll be a large proportion of the 200 million or so 'non-electors' that will be complaining about Trump. Democracy, eh? What a joke!

#8 Parent Curious - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

Foxy, we went through that, you and me, a couple of times in the last 2 months. If you go to google and type something like: how many votes did Hillary get election 2016, you will have a menu of publications to chose from. They all say the same thing with the reserve that the articles that date from end of november do not yet contain the latest California results, you have to look for the December results. I chose wikipedia for you because it is updated to He got 62,979,879, she got 65,844,954 which is 2,865,075 votes more for Hillary.


#9 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-16
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

The Electoral College, which elected trump although he got almost
2.865 million votes less than Hillary,

Although Canada has a similar parliamentary system to Australia and the UK, I think Canadian people understand the American electoral system far better than we Brits/Aussies do.
You said that Hillary got nearly 3 million votes more than Trump - who said so? Can it be proven? If so, how?
Sorry, but I have said it many times before, there's so much BULLSHIT out there that no-one knows WHAT to believe anymore!

You are obviously an avid Obama supporter and that's your right. In another post you listed many of his 'achievements'. That said, I'm sure that someone who is NOT an Obama supporter could come up with an equal number of examples to show how 'bad' he was as President. Yet why bother spending the time and energy doing so?
In a few days Obama will be confined to history along with his predecessors. Whether he will be remembered as a 'good' president or a bad one rests solely in the minds of his lovers/haters.

Trump has a mighty task ahead. I'm sure he'll manage it a lot better if people stop whingeing and whining about his appointment to 'Mr Pres'.

There's already huge talk about demonstrations etc at his inauguration ceremony. Then what, civil war? That'll solve a few problems, won't it?

Western democracy might be far from perfect, but right now it's all we've got. Let's see what Trump does before everyone starts killing each other.

#10 Parent Curious - 2017-01-15
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

And I need to add: The Tea Party was about preventing a black man from being re-elected.

And the election of trump is essentially - don't let any window dressing fool you - to make sure that no other black will take power. trump's election is essentially an anti-black movement on the part of the white people.

So to have become the first black president of the US is THE achievement of the century so far.

#11 Parent Curious - 2017-01-15
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

In the US, for a black to become a president is a HUGE achievement because the whole system, since slavery, is organized against blacks.

Turnoi: Every system in the US, since slavery which made the US prosperous, is focused on the black people. Example: Remove Obamacare so the white people won't have to pay for dozens of millions of black people. Housing policies still maintain black people in some areas and not in others. The Electoral College, which elected trump although he got almost 2.865 million votes less than Hillary, was designed at the end of the 18th century to give additional votes to states with black slaves against large states like New York which were against slavery. Voter registration (mostly in the south). Police force. The confederate flag. etc etc.

You don't have anything like that in Europe since the Nazis, so I understand that you can't understand easily.

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