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#1 Parent American Dream - 2017-01-18
Re: Obama's achievements

Awesome job!!!!!!!!!!.

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-01-18
Re: Obama's achievements

And Obama just pardoned Chelsea Manning. A wonderful gesture of fairness!

#3 Parent Curious - 2017-01-15
Obama's achievements

SB: I did not have time to make a list when I replied to your post below. But I just took the time, out of respect for President Obama. Here is "the list", incomplete and informal, made of just the most important items that come to my mind, without order of priority, my humble salute to a great man:

- Became the first black president of the USA
- Obama Care provided health care to more than 20 million people who could not have coverage before
- He fixed the recession inherited from Bush: The US economy is now quite good.
- He had to deal during 8 years with an ideologically obstructionist Congress whose goal was, first, to prevent his re-election, and when it did not work, to ruin his second term. And now to ruin his legacy.
- He took executive actions to protect the young immigrants who had entered the country as children.
- He tried to end the wars started by Bush, had all the troops out of both countries, but had to send some troops back to prevent the destabilization of Afghanistan and the growth of ISIS in Iraq.
- Refused to get the US involved into another Middle East war in Syria.
- He was careful with the use of military force abroad.
- He pardoned a large number of prisoners who were serving time for non-violent drug offenses.
- Protected minorities, gays and lesbians
- Fought international terrorism in many countries; the use of drones is still controversial, but they saved a lot of American soldiers
- Reduced carbon pollution from coal
- Reached an greement to limit the nuclear capabilities of Iran which was a few months away from being able to launch nuclear warheads.
- Introduced the US to the Paris agreement on climate change
- Opened relations with Cuba
- Was able to negotiate with other countries the relocation of most of the prisoners at Guantanamo because Congres refused to bring them to US prisons.
- A role model: No corruption at the White House and no scandals in his private life
- Remained calm in the face of vicious racist attacks; a source of inspiration to whites and non-whites

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-01-12
Re: Re nocturnal emmission presidency

SB: I don't have time to write tonight, but I just want to say that I TOTALLY DISAGREE.

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