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#1 Parent heretosay - 2017-01-19
Re Missionary position capitalism

Ah, yes indeed. Observation has become that much more interesting. Maybe we'll see Capitalism run even more amok than ever. Oh what fun.

"Damn the great executives, the men of measured merriment, damn the men with careful smiles oh, damn their measured merriment."
Sinclair Lewis

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-01-19
Re Missionary position capitalism

His voters, the basket of deplorables, still don't realize that there is no way that a bunch of billionaires will care about them. Just no way: The two groups live in different universes.

Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-19
Missionary position capitalism

Billionaire elites have controlled the U.S. government for 50 years, but in the past they did it with campaign finance contributions, revolving door patronage, and K street lobbying. Trump has put billionaires directly into his cabinet and U.S. government agencies. At least now U.S. citizens can see who is screwing them.


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