Return to Index › The World Has Gone Mad
#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-22
Re: The World Has Gone Mad

Sticking ....tard on anyone's name is easy, Beensytard. However, you couldn't be further from the truth. I certainly have more respect for women than, say, Pigsy does, and although I don't always respect the views of the feminist libtards, I would fight with my dying breath for their right to voice them.

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2017-01-22
Re: The World Has Gone Mad

You do not respect women much, foxytard (I like this name for you)

Foxy - 2017-01-22
The World Has Gone Mad

While half the world is whining about the 'Orange Man' and the fact that he allegedly groped some crusty libtard twenty years ago, Pigsy's Pattayan Paradise is just enjoying another day at the 'office'.

This time a customer murders his barber because he didn't like the way he cut his hair. Oh deep joy !


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