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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

The world would be a very boring place if we all agreed on everything, lol.

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

From my perspective, Foxy, trump and his team are the ones manipulating truth and creating false news. I strongly believe that.

We definitely disagree on this one.

But that's OK for me to disagree with you on this one.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

Of course they are, but look at who owns the mainstream media. There's a world of difference between reporting the truth and reporting one-sided facts because your strings are being pulled.

Take for example the alleged Russian hacking. Look at how it was reported. Whilst MSM never actually accused Russia of hacking, it was reported in such a clever way that everyone actually believed that Russia hacked the election. Mass brainwashing is NOT reporting facts. Sure, it falls well within freedom of speech, but often relies on people's acceptance to simply believe what is reported without questioning it. It's my belief that Trump doesn't want them to shut up per se, but more importantly to stop trying to manipulate public opinion and get on with reporting facts, so as to allow people to make up their own mind.

I don't believe this is fascism at all. Honesty is something that has been sadly lacking for decades, especially in politics and the media.

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

You have certainly studied the rise of the third reich and of fascism in italy and spain and portugal. Freedom of speech and free media are ESSENTIAL to democracy.

#5 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

And there's probably going to be more hurt in the beginning. I hate cliches, but you can't make an omelette.....

As far as the media "shutting up" is concerned, I think you may have taken that remark a bit too seriously. During the campaign, CNN were blatantly backing Clinton, MSNBC and FOX were pouring out all kinds of rubbish, and even one reporter got so angry that he called Julain Assange a pedophile.

The mainstream media has become its own worst enemy these past few months, and journalists need to be very careful about what, and how, they report the news. Alternative media, although riddled with pox, is gaining ground over MSM as more and more people turn to it in order to learn the truth about what is happening in the world.

Maybe Trump's remark about shutting up was a bit harsh, but in my opinion, many reporters deserve to be told such.

#6 Parent Curious - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

trump is already hurting a lot of people, Foxy: Mexico is on edge, US Aid is suspended all over the poor countries of the world in clinics that were giving information about abortion, the undocumented immigrants (it includes whole families from old to young and unborn) are afraid of the future, Mexico is, as we type, receiving a lot of immigrants from central america who are rushing to cross the border to the US but Mexico does not have the required facilities to give them basic stuff like food, women all over the US are afraid of losing Planned Parenthood and help with unwanted/accidental/rape pregnancies, etc etc etc And fascism is taking place; for example, his main adviser told the world 2 days ago: "the media has to shut up".

#7 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

I'm still surprised that people are surprised. Hilary's narcissistic attitude of being above the law and believing that the presidency was hers by right, was her downfall.

I'm not American, but I loathe the woman. That said, I'm not what you would call a Trump "supporter", but I'd sooner have him in the big chair than Hillary.

Trump has said he will make some big changes so there's bound to be casualties at first, along with a lot of discontent. However, it's early days and Trump certainly appears to be working very hard, even in the face of adversity. Can't we all agree to at least give the guy a fair go and then see how he fares after 100 days?

#8 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

I think.....not I tank, lol. Bloody iPad, lol.

#9 Parent Curious - 2017-01-28
Re: Re Comparison with trump

Reluctantly have to agree with your post, Foxy

#10 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-28
Re Comparison with trump

I can see your point, but I wasn't surprised at all. Brexit was a shock to many, but I tank that was just the beginning. After it was announced I had a bet with two American colleagues that Trump would get elected. I wish that bet had been for rmb100 instead of 20, lol.

It may sound trite, but the world is slowly waking up and saying that they've had enough of being pushed around and having their lives invaded by people who tell us they have our best interests at heart. It's all about control and people are sick of it. Trump was voted in, not because of who he is, but because of who people perceived him NOT to be.

Whether or not he becomes a good president remains to be seen, but he knows the eyes of the world are watching his every move and I reckon he's going to try his utmost to prove his worth.

Like him or loathe him, the man deserves our respect for what he's achieved so far, albeit early days.

#11 Parent Curious - 2017-01-27
Re: Re Comparison with trump

You wrote "Trump has been one of the biggest political surprises in my lifetime." I strongly disagree with most of what he is doing but I agree with your statement: I have never seen anything like that either.

#12 Parent PonchoNevada - 2017-01-27
Re Comparison with trump

Trump has been one of the biggest political surprises in my lifetime. I say that because he actually made quite a few very bold promises in his campaign. When challenged on them he'd simply repeat how he would do them if elected.

But then he actually has been doing them since he was elected!

Americans reading know this is actually shockingly rare in the last few decades. Basically, they will all make promises but are always careful to make them somewhat vague:

"Yes, well i have a 17 point plan that addresses the area of illegal immigration. #1. speak with mayors and develop communication sharing.. 2. commission a federal report by the agencies involved that aims to discuss what directions we can pursue... 3. start a real discussion with the American people that looks at real solutions..."

Zero happens after they are elected other than maybe some bureaucrats prods and poke at technicalities. switching some minor policy with another. Some supporters get a $500,000 grant to 'study the issue'. Its the same or worse 4 or 8 years later.

Trump is mind-boggling. He somehow did a dozen things he promises before he was inaugurated. He basically just promptly started signing bills or orders immediately after walking into the White House. I think he already ordered construction starts on the Trump Wall, I think people are losing track because he does like three or four a day?

I'm not even saying these are all the best ideas. Some may or may not work. Some might get stopped or slowed by forces outside Trump's power. But he is doing what he said he'd do. If some of these ideas do not work then at least Trump will have time to fix or undo them.

But I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. Newt Gingrich was something like that but he wasn't President (i think speaker of the house) but Trump is pretty much a whole new thing unto himself. Its refreshing!

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