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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-30
Re Ban on refugees: Fear mongering used to keep power

The puppeteers were all made redundant the day Obama left the Whitehouse. Long overdue in my opinion, some of them were well past retirement age.....

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-30
Re Ban on refugees: Fear mongering used to keep power

thanks for the link

U.S. business elites are fully aware that Trump is bad for business and threatens the stability of their puppet government in Washington.
Hopefully his bumbling will act to pull the curtain away from the puppeteers.

#3 Parent Curious - 2017-01-29
Ban on refugees: Fear mongering used to keep power

Excellent short video by Fareed Zakaria (CNN)

The Cato Institute (Koch brothers), an American conservative think tank says that:

During the 41 years 1975-2015, the number of Americans killed in America by citizens of
Syria = 0
Iraq = 0
Iran= 0
Lybia = 0
Somalia = 0
Yemen = 0
Sudan = 0

None of the Muslim countries that have a trump building or office are on the list of banned countries, while the citizens of the following countries, which are not banned, have killed on American soil the following number of Americans:
Saudi Arabia = 2369
UA 314
Egypt = 162

The chances, including 9/11, of an American being killed in America by a foreigner: 1 in 3.6 million /year
By a refugee: 1 in 3.64 Billion / year

The image of the US as a beacon of the world is being destroyed.

#4 Parent Been There - 2017-01-29

24 hours later, after the refugee ban and the federal judge, CNN writes in big black letters "Executive Disorder".

First time I see the US Presidency reduced to circus.

#5 Parent Curious - 2017-01-28

It's good!

Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-28

The reality TV show called the United States has never been more interesting.
Memes of human rights, democracy, freedom, equality, U.S. exceptionalism have all been 'debunked' in the first 100 hours.
Stay tuned.

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