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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-29
Re: Re POTEC Lest we forget

You are off again....."Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump", (or so we keep being told), well guess what, she didn't win! Now if I was a Hillary supporter and an American citizen I'd never vote again, because clearly my vote counts for nothing.

The American electoral system is clearly more complex than that of, say, the U.K. for instance, but if it's true, and Hillary really DID get a boot load more votes than Trump, then it's the fault of the system and nothing else. Trump did say, however, that he "wooed" the electoral college while Clinton was busy wooing the electorate. I find that rather strange considering Clinton's political experience, you'd think it would be the other way round. Anyway, I'm sure all the unhappy American libtards crying into their white wine spritzer can fix it in 2020. Or maybe not. Maybe the electoral college will put Pigsy in the big chair?

#2 Parent Been There - 2017-01-29

trump might be doing a great job for you, but this is not how America wants it: the spontaneous demonstrations at US airports last night prove it.

And remember that the majority did not vote for him.

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