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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-29
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I think western schools do their fair share by charging exorbitant tuition fees to foreign students - the fees are far higher than they are for locals. If Chinese students wish to study in our country then why should we complain? If they (or their parents) are prepared to pay for it, then why not?
I agree with you on the other point. One Chinese school screws a FT and it's China's fault. It's never the fault of the FT or the school, it's CHINA! I've only been here for 2 years, but in that time I have never been abused, nor has anyone attempted to cheat me....yet...! I have always been treated fairly, and with respect. No doubt many posters would say I've been "lucky", but the same goes for all the other FTs I know in this city. Considering the amount of social dropouts, who call themselves a "teacher", it's not surprising that there are many complaints about school abuse, because many of these idiots couldn't string a sentence together during their few short daily hours of sobriety.

#2 Parent heretosay - 2017-01-29
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The party is now over for you Chinese. You guys are no
longer welcome here.

So says you. Personally, I'd like to see a quick influx of about 100 million Chinese into America to replace fools like you who should be sent to Antarctica to hang with the penguins and to share your bigoted views with each other.

In addition, you would never have had a problem getting paid if you had worked for a legitimate institution. By making such a claim, you only reveal that, like the Toddler, you did not have the necessary qualifications and went to China as a pretend teacher.

I spent nearly seven years teaching in China. I was never cheated, never extorted, never devalued and definitely never blacklisted.

Grow up. Stop crying. If a specific school cheated you, name it, then take your whiny attitude to your mommy - she might care, I don't.

Devin Shork - 2017-01-29

Donald Trump has been voted in as President. And he has promised to get tough on China. And it is about time, I say!

For far too long the Chinese have been sending students and workers onto the Western shores with no reward for us. WE treat them well, and what do they do to us when we go there? Well, they cheat, extort and devalue us, you name it! They fail to pay us on time, if at all, and treat us horribly at the workplace, even black listing us for no reason.

Well, one thing you Chinese idiots did not consider, is that we will be going back to our home countries for the most part. And we will remember what you did to us. Just wait till we get back to the West. We are going to treat you just as you did us. We are going to give you no breaks, and throw you the hell out, just like Trump is doing now. And we will do the same to the Chinese tourists who spit, fart, are loud, have poor manners and are not considerate to others. The party is now over for you Chinese. You guys are no longer welcome here.

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