Return to Index › Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS)
#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-29
Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS)

Don't be too hard on him. He complains about Chinese salarys being too low because he could only afford to blow rmb500-600 a DAY when he worked here, but there again, Chinese hookers were much cheaper back then.

People working in China, living from paycheck to paycheck and complaining that they don't earn enough should find a cheaper expat bar to have their salary sent to every month. Either that or make sure they have mummy to fall back on, lol.

#2 Parent heretosay - 2017-01-29
Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS)

Agree, what a loser! Been living in China for almost nine years and working at the same
school, wtf!

Of course, Toddler, you would say that because you haven't the qualifications to work at the same school for that long. That is, your glaring incompetencies as a teacher are too easily seen and you would, therefore, as you have been in the past, be sent packing.

And then of course it would be very hard on someone with a child's mentality such as yourself to be away from your mommy that long.

Kudos to anyone, including the poster you so easily berate, for being able to navigate the terrain of difficulties that arise from teaching abroad and having the cultural sensitivity to make it work.

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