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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re:the flow of lies

Oh, I'm sure he's definitely a 3-minute man, lol.
Another survey showed that a whopping 78% of men don't know the difference between having sex and making love. This is good news for Pigsy since he can tell everyone that he "makes love" to all his Pattayan pigs.

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-31
Re:the flow of lies

Maybe "Shaun-of-the-dead" would be better encouraged to earn a degree in
"whoremongering" rather than sexology

Research has shown that men who frequent prostitutes are incompetent lovers. Sexual performance in actual relationships requires the active provision of pleasure to one's mate, not the purchase of one's own pleasure.

Like all good business proprietors, prostitutes value the ratio of time invested/ profit made. The man who pays the most for the fewest minutes of sexual labor is the best customer. No doubt pDog is a valued client.

Additionally, any man that downloads internet photos to advertise as his 'conquests' certainly would do the same with his academic and financial credentials

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-30
Re:the flow of lies

Maybe "Shaun-of-the-dead" would be better encouraged to earn a degree in "whoremongering" rather than sexology ? After all, he's already well qualified. His Pattayan ramblings on this board could all be collated to form his thesis, lol.
All he has to do is "keep it up", but at his age I guess he struggles, haha.

#4 Parent heretosay - 2017-01-30
Re:the flow of lies

Your "honor" a Chinese woman, you really are pathetic!

What's pathetic is your lame attempt at actually creating a sentence. You should either lay off the sauce for awhile or revisit your college notes. Oh wait, that wouldn't help much would it? I mean seeing as how you're lying about your degree and all that. At any rate, "the proof is in the pudding."

As for the rest of your post, well, nothing much there in the way of substance or valid response. Fairly typical.

I'm quite familiar with GXU. Which college employed you there? Never mind, I know you won't tell me. That would be letting the cat out of the bag, eh?

Okay, while pursuing your degree in sexology, you may want to find that bar girl who spends every spare minute she has studying English and whatever else she may need to get away from all the fat, hairy, balding and generally disgusting sex tourists such as yourself and your sexpat buddies that she puts up with in order to put food on the table. If you're lucky, she may teach you what you're lacking in the way of English. language skills.

So, you admit to being a liar and then refute it at the same time. Sounds like one of Trump's "alternative realities."

Lastly, I do love how some of your posts are so laden with foul language that the only indication you've posted anything is a single word - "edited." A pity, then, that you find it so difficult to express yourself without said language.

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