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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re: Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

Should the U.S. and Australia and Canada and Western Europe be banned from traveling to other countries until they "do something about" these vermin?

Not "other" countries, just ones considered to be Muslim countries. Don't confuse my point. If a few Caucasian Westerners are going round killing innocent Muslims then what kind of "welcome" should ALL Caucasian Westerners expect when they visit a Muslim country?

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-31
Re: Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

Muslim community should either do something about it or accept the consequences of their
minority's actions

The U.S., Australia, Canada and much of Europe is infested with tens of thousands of white supremacists who espouse a variety of genocidal racist 'theologies' and ideologies.

Children in Black Southern Churches and most recently in Quebec mosques have died at their hands.

Should the U.S. and Australia and Canada and Western Europe be banned from traveling to other countries until they "do something about" these vermin?

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re: Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

The problem is where to draw the proverbial "line". Put it this way, just because you and I come from Western countries doesn't automatically make us Christians, per se. That said, we would be perceived as Christians if we went to Iraq, or any other "Muslim" country. It's certainly not fair that every person who hails from a Muslim country should automatically be assumed to be faithful to Islam as I am sure they have their fair share of atheists too.

However, Islam is a far stricter religion that Christianity is these days, and people in certain countries who "turn away from the faith", are executed.

So what's Trump supposed to do, go and ask every Muslim-born person in America if they are a "follower" or not?

He's only doing what his predecessors should have done 50 years ago. The problem is that now he's being seen as being "racist". Sure, people should be allowed to live their lives in peace and be able to follow whatever religion they choose, as long as they do it peacefully. Most Westerners do. However, as long as we are regarded as being "infidels" because we choose NOT to share in their belief structure, then the Muslim community should either do something about it or accept the consequences of their minority's actions, that Trump is trying to thwart.

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