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#1 Parent heretosay - 2017-01-31
Re trump university

No worries. He'll probably bring his own to divert students' attention away from his incompetence.

Please give my best regards to Stephen. Guess I'll go hang with Dr. Who..

#2 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re trump university

Ah, apologies, old chap, I'm afraid I'll have to give Camden a miss....timing and all that....

I'm interviewing Neil deGrasse Tyson for a newly created position and then I have to shoot off to advise Stephen Hawking on some mathematical calculations he's struggling with. Damn nuisance I'm afraid....

Hopefully the kids at the training centre will be ok without me for a few days, but if not, do you reckon I should ask Pigsy to cover for me? I'll buy him a couple of bottles of Singha and throw in a free hooker for a night, what d'ya reckon?

#3 Parent heretosay - 2017-01-31
Re trump university

Alrighty, then. See you in Camden for the reunion. We'll discuss teaching methodologies at that time and perhaps agree that splitting hairs is safer than splitting atoms.

Damn, caught in a lie. I'm still trying to figure out steam power and what makes the light come on when you hit that little switch.

The Toddler is still trying to figure out commas.

#4 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re trump university

Wow! You're an MIT graduate too, eh? Well isn't that a coincidence? How do you get on trying to teach this stuff at Chinese training centres? To be honest, I find the students feel it's a bit too difficult for them.

I was wondering, what did you think of the latest experiment at the hadron collider? You know, the one involving the single expansion ramp nozzle. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Perhaps Pigsy can also find the time to give us his analogy of the recent paper published on the latest developments in contrastive linguistic stylistics.

heretosay - 2017-01-31
trump university

Additionally, any man that downloads internet photos to advertise as his 'conquests'
certainly would do the same with his academic and financial credentials.

One would think so, eh? But then perhaps he's too embarrassed to admit that he attended Trump University. Or could it be that he believes his own lies? No matter, it has been shown that the Toddler is a liar. Not that proof was really necessary. If one reads enough of his posts and has seen the manner in which he writes, it is easy to deduce that he has had no training beyond fashion and basket weaving. Applied Linguistics, indeed....

As for me, well, I lied before; actually, I'm an MIT graduated rocket scientist. I decided to teach at training centers in China because I really thought they needed my help.

"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."
Martin Luther King, Jr

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