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#1 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-03
Delicious quote from Howard Stern supporting your theory

TD: Howard Stern kinda agrees with your assessment

"I personally wish that he had never run, I told him that, because I actually think this is something that is gonna be detrimental to his mental health too, because, he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved," Stern said. "He wants people to cheer for him."

"I don't think it's going to be a healthy experience. And by the way, he's now on this anti-Hollywood kick. He loves Hollywood. First of all, he loves the press. He lives for it. He loves people in Hollywood. He only wants hobnob with them. All of this hatred and stuff directed towards him. It's not good for him. It's not good. There's a reason every president who leaves the office has grey hair."

Stern said he considers Trump a friend, but is opposed to his politics.

"I like Donald very much personally. I was shocked when he decided to run for president, and even more shocked that sort of, people took it seriously," Stern said.

"I remember saying to him when he announced his presidency, I remember being quite amazed, because I remember him being for Hillary Clinton," Stern added.

"And I remember him being very--I mean he was pro-abortion. So the new Donald Trump kind of surprised me."

Stern said he doesn't believe Trump has had a change of heart on issues like abortion, but is instead playing to his base.

The radio host said he also believed Trump ran for president solely to get a larger contract from NBC for "The Apprentice."

Ha ha ha ha

Sorry I quoted so many lines from CNN; you have to read the rest, it's so funny

#2 Parent Arthur - 2017-01-31
Re the condition of man

How things change!!!

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

Sorry, I admit I was baiting. People should remember that Trump is a businessman first and a politician second. It's going to be a while before he changes that mindset because he's been in that mindset for so long. The AG defied him and he fired her, simple. That's what would have happened in business and Trump is showing that he's essentially running a "business". Now, whether you agree with it or not is immaterial because, quite obviously, that's how Trump sees it. He's made an example of her and shown his people that he will fire anyone who gets in his way. How long it will last is anyone's guess. Had I been Trump, I would have fired her too.

#4 Parent heretosay - 2017-01-31
Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

You're not serious, are you Foxy? Sometimes I can't tell with you one way or t'other. But that's just me - not picking a fight.

#5 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

She obviously deserved to be fired !!!!!

#6 Parent Curious - 2017-01-31
Re: Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

I am totally disgusted by trump

#7 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-31
Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

see screen capture below from homepage of NY Times today Jan 30.
Way to go!!!

Thanks, but today's hero is acting Attorney General Sally Yates:
“At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities, nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful,” Ms. Yates wrote in a letter to Justice Department lawyers.

Trump promptly fired her.

#8 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re: Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

Absolutely! I'll pass on your regards to HP and Heinz Tomato, I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

#9 Parent Arthur - 2017-01-31
Re: Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

Bless your sauces, Foxy. The world is getting better because of Trump

#10 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-31
Re TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

Many-a-true-word, Arthur. I have it on good authority, from my sauces, that President Trump is not only an avid reader of this board, but he's also a huge fan of Pigsy. So much so that Trump is about to reach out to Pigsy and invite him to the Whitehouse so that Pigsy can give Trump some lessons in diplomacy. Six Pattayan bar girls are also being flown in, on Air Force One, so that Pigsy's stay will be more enjoyable.

#11 Parent Arthur - 2017-01-31
TrumpDiplomacy: Your name is now famous

see screen capture below from homepage of NY Times today Jan 30.
Way to go!!!

#12 Parent BeenThere - 2017-01-22
'America First and screw everyone else'

Donald will no doubt create his own dark distraction.

The article quoted below concurs: "The message was 'America First and screw everyone else,' " said one Arab diplomat. "That mind frame is not lost on the world and it is not good for the United States."

"in 1933, Roosevelt challenged the world to overcome fear. In 2017, Mr Trump told the world to be very afraid."

When the Canadians start freaking, it means something is really wrong:

Little surprise then that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also called Trump Saturday to stress the importance of Canada-US ties and remind Trump that 35 states count Canada as their top destination for exports.

Trudeau had to calm the frayed nerves of Canadian provincial leaders in a Friday phone call with them. Canada is the US' second-largest trading partner after China, with more than 70% of Canadian exports going to the US. The Prime Minister's office said he spoke to the leaders about efforts to find common ground with the new US administration.

Seems that most countries are starting to lick his ass in order to maintain trade relations - but this will generate bitterness:

Pena Nieto's congratulatory call Saturday morning stressed Mexico's willingness to work on an agenda that would benefit both countries, according to his office, as well as the need to focus on respect for sovereignty and shared responsibility.
#13 Parent Curious - 2017-01-22
Re: Re His crowd was smaller than the women's march and Obama's inauguration

Oh this is good!!!!

It made my day!

I invite everybody to have a listen.

"We Don't Want Your Tiny Hands, Anywhere Near Our Underpants". This is the chant that Fiona Apple created for the "Women’s March" in Washington, DC January 21st, 2017. She recorded it on a phone.
#14 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-22
Re His crowd was smaller than the women's march and Obama's inauguration
#15 Parent Curious - 2017-01-22
His crowd was smaller than the women's march and Obama's inauguration

NY Times this morning: "Crowd Scientists Say Women’s March in Washington Had 3 Times as Many People as Trump’s Inauguration". I posted below a pic of the comparison trump - vs - women's march.

They also compare pictures with the Obama 2008 inauguration, and we can clearly see that Obama's crowd was way bigger. I don't think I can post some of those pictures here are they are copyrighted by Getty but you can see them at the link below.

#16 Parent BeenThere - 2017-01-22
Re the condition of man

Ego-maniacal buffoons hunger for validation in the form of applause or praise. They are
acutely sensitive to criticism and unwilling to recognize failures or mistakes.

He is fighting with CNN about the size of the crowd at his swearing ceremony. He says it's bigger than any previous inauguration. Online publications have shown and compared aerial views of the area with Obama's first inauguration: Obama had a much bigger crowd.

Trump diplomacy - 2017-01-22
the condition of man

Ego-maniacal buffoons hunger for validation in the form of applause or praise. They are acutely sensitive to criticism and unwilling to recognize failures or mistakes.

Trump will find being president of a country where two thirds of the population already hold him in various degrees of disdain to be a Pyrrhic 'victory'. His hubris will not allow him to withdraw from the ridicule and hatred. He will slowly go mad.

A U.S. president's power quickly diminishes as legislative, departmental and special interest forces coalesce again him. As this happens to Trump he will look for grand flourishes of power to distract himself from his turmoil.

George W. was given the gift of 9/11. He and other presidents (even Obama) have consolidated ‘war powers’ within the executive branch, removing Congress from its constitutional power to ‘wage war’.

Donald will no doubt create his own dark distraction.

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