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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-01
Re the sad truth

I pray you're not actually pretending to be a teacher somewhere.

Me too ! Although he does seem to be pretending to live in a fancy hotel room with a chauffeur that caters for his every, (and I mean EVERY), whim, lol

#2 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-01
Re the sad truth

Yep, you're right this time. It is a silly phrase, but you had been forewarned that I was damn tired at the time. Wasn't trying to get creative. Just trying to finish the post.

Now, were I to repost some of your demented attempts at clarity they'd probably be full of typos because I'd be laughing so much at what you think are clever colloquialisms but really only show your inability to stay off the sauce. Know what I mean, you inebriated sot?

I pray you're not actually pretending to be a teacher somewhere.

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