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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-02
Re libtard lecture

Sadly, TD, like most of your fellow libtards, you have great ideas, but don't live in the real world. Firstly, let me say that in an ideal world I would wholeheartedly agree with you. The cost of abortion SHOULD be shared by both parties.

However, men are inherently irresponsible creatures and it's technically possible for one guy to get several women pregnant around the same time, and then do a 'runner' - as many men often do.

I guess what I am trying to say is that although it's surely the responsibility of BOTH, the responsibility often falls squarely and unfairly on the female, since she is the one who is left, quite literally, 'holding the baby'.

#2 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-02-02
libtard lecture

If young girls consider themselves mature enough to have sex, then they should either use
contraception or face the consequences.

When young girls 'have sex' alone or with each other, they never have abortions.

When young girls 'have sex' with a boy or a man, one of the consequences of that mutual act can be pregnancy.

The 'consequences' of a mutual act in both law and morality should also be mutual. Women are not running around getting pregnant; men are impregnating them. Women, however, routinely face the consequences alone.

Women who think they have a God-given right to an abortion at the
expense of the taxpayer, simply because they were too lazy to use a condom, don't!

There are a variety of contraceptive methods, it is telling that the one method that you choose to condemn these "lazy women" for not using is the one method (I don't consider vasectomy a 'method'; it is a surgical procedure) that men have control over: condoms.

There is a Boston physician who is a pioneer in the legalization of abortion in the U.S; I forget his name. The story goes that he interviewed a young couple prior to the girl's abortion. He asked them how they would be paying. They said they would share the cost. The physician asked for the boy's hand and, lifting a heavy paperweight off his desk, feigned to smash the boy's hand. Startled, the boy recoiled. The physician said: "If you are sharing the cost, you should be sharing the pain."

The responsibility for contraception and pregnancy are mutual in the shared act of intercourse. For every man who is 'tricked' into marriage because he chose not to wear a condom there are dozens of women who were impregnated because they 'had sex' under various degrees of duress by their partner who refused to wear a condom.

Blaming women for not using contraception is not only statistically wrong, it is a characteristic argument used in the male oppression of women in which early pregnancy plays a pivotal role.

Men who complain of the taxation cost of pregnancy should have their hands smashed.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-01
Re: To Turnoi

I would have thought this was commonsense meanwhile.

It is, at least for most. Women who think they have a God-given right to an abortion at the expense of the taxpayer, simply because they were too lazy to use a condom, don't!

If young girls consider themselves mature enough to have sex, then they should either use contraception or face the consequences.

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