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#1 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-04
Re: To Turnoi

You asked "As for gay rights, what are you frightened you'll lose?"

Thank you for asking.

Here is what almost happened yesterday: Without his daughter telling him not to do it, he was going to scrap our LGBT protections. Conservative religious leaders are confident that he will do it sooner or later.

The two most influential social liberals in President Trump’s inner circle — daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner — helped kill a proposed executive order that would have scrapped Obama-era L.G.B.T. protections, according to people familiar with the issue.

Some conservative leaders warned Mr. Trump that his decision to retain former President Barack Obama’s order on L.G.B.T. rights could have far-reaching political implications. “Our base would want to know who is responsible for what we believe is an issue of religious liberty — that would be of concern to us,” said Bob Vander Plaats, the chief executive of The Family Leader, a socially conservative organization.

“We have been consistent,” Mr. Vander Plaats added. “We’ve cheered President Trump a lot. But on this one, our base is wondering why Obama’s executive order would be allowed to stand?”

#2 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-02
Re: To Turnoi

Ah, CNN. The media outlet with as much credibility as Pigsy's posts, lol.

There was an awesome BBC documentary a few years ago about human trafficking, so articles like the CNN one you posted are certainly believable. It akin to slavery.

That said, there was another docco I saw about 30+ year old men in one of the middle Eastern countries (I forget which one) marrying 12-year old girls.

There certainly are some sick societies in this world.

#3 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-02
Re: To Turnoi

There's still a high ratio of boys:girls in China. It's one reason why Western men are often
targeted by Chinese guys - they see us as a threat to them by coming here and taking
'their' women. It's sad, but well-documented.

True enough, and then there's this from CNN last year:

"Vietnamese Girls Smuggled into China and Sold as Child Brides"

From the above article:

"Young Vietnamese women are valuable commodities in China, where the one-child policy and long-standing preference for sons has heavily skewed the gender ratio."

#4 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-01
Re: To Turnoi

There's still a high ratio of boys:girls in China. It's one reason why Western men are often targeted by Chinese guys - they see us as a threat to them by coming here and taking 'their' women. It's sad, but well-documented.

#5 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-01
Re: To Turnoi

As far as abortion goes, women who have become pregnant through rape, and those who are carrying babies that are likely to be born deformed or disabled, should be entitled to free abortions. All other women should pay.

As for gay rights, what are you frightened you'll lose?

#6 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-01
Re: To Turnoi

One unfortunate result of the one child policy was that because amniocentesis made it easy to determine the sex of the fetus, female babies, not generally the choice if you could only have one child. were aborted. The result of this in the coming years, according to social anthropologists, will be a lopsided ratio of males to females, which will lead to all sorts of problems as the competition increases for who gets the girl.

In 2014 the ratio was 115.88 boys born to 100 females.

So, not exactly a sex education problem. More a situation of access to modern medical tech. But your point is well taken.

#7 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-01
Additional info on the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States)

"Four sitting justices have served for longer than two decades — Anthony M. Kennedy the longest at nearly 29 years, followed by Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer. Both Kennedy and Ginsburg are in their 80s.

If Kennedy, the court's swing vote, or Ginsburg, its liberal anchor, were to retire soon, Trump would have a clearer opportunity to significantly shift the court’s ideological balance. "

#9 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-01
Re: To Turnoi

Both are in extreme danger. You saw tonight's Trump appointee for the Supreme Court? A very conservative guy, Neil Gorsuch (nobody knew him). Presently, the supreme court is: 4 liberals (they help gays, they are pro choice) vs 4 conservatives, total 8 out of 9 (Scalia, a very conservative Justice, died last year). Add this new Gorsuch guy, and the conservatives get the majority of 5 out of 9. They will screw Roe vs Wade (abortion); they will screw gay marriage.

Appointing Scalia's replacement was one of the very few solid pillars of Trump's electoral platform. It is extremely important for the future of the country.

And 2 of the remaining Justices are old and one is very old; he will replace them with other conservative types.

I will move to New Zealand. How is New Zealand?

#10 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-01
Re: To Turnoi

I don't think you can lump gay rights and abortion rights together. Abortion was rife in China during the one-child-policy, probably due to the total lack of sex education. In many cases, abortion is either a choice, or a form of "contraception". Gay people are naturally gay, it's not a "choice".

#11 Parent Arthur - 2017-01-31
Re: To Turnoi

We already have rights but the exclusively conservative cabinet that Trump has assembled all want to take those rights away like they want to take abortion rights away.

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