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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-02
Re trump university

Oh, I'm sure his Pattayan princesses have led him down more than a few 'garden' paths, lol.

#2 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-02
Re trump university

What amuses me, and no doubt the heretosay poster too, is your inability to recognise blatant
sarcasm when it's plain for most intelligent people to see."

Yes, indeed, I am quite amused. And so is Peter Capaldi. Moreover, this is not the only time that the Toddler has been led down the garden path.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-01
Re trump university

What amuses me, and no doubt the heretosay poster too, is your inability to recognise blatant sarcasm when it's plain for most intelligent people to see.
Heretosay certainly understood it - hence the reply. Try reading the posts again, you may learn some insightful information that maybe you can 'apply' to your own 'linguistics', lol.

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