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#1 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-05
Re: Unconditional basic income by the texpayer's money

Money Talks ! Prices talk ! Quality talks ! Very few people will buy a domestic product just
BECAUSE it's domestic. One only has to look at the old British car manufacturing
companies. British Leyland threw out nothing but rubbish when compared to cars
manufactured overseas.

Right on. American companies are still trying to catch up to the Japanese. Must say, though, Toyota's are reliable and affordable. I live on an island where there are a lot of pickup trucks. I see many Toyota pickups that date back to the 80's still being driven and cherished for their reliability.

On another note, China is going full guns on its space program. You know, those stupid Chinese another poster is always talking about. Here's an excerpt from an article by Christoper Mims:

The Chinese Lunar Exploration Program is led by Ouyang Ziyuan, a science-fiction futurist to rival David Brin and Ray Kurzweil. His first career was in geology and mines, and he sees the moon as a long-term solution to China's problems with energy and resource scarcity. He has pointed out that the moon is full of iron, and it's also full of helium-3, which can be used to power a nuclear fusion reactor. That's big thinking. With China mining the moon while we twiddle our thumbs at Cape Canaveral, we'll be forced to buy lunar minerals from them along with everything else on our shopping list.

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2017-02-05
Re: Unconditional basic income by the texpayer's money

Robots are taking the place of workers worldwide, starting with China.

American jobs were taken by robots and computer programs: American companies are more efficient than ever.

And you are right: Consumers don't want to pay more. They love to buy Chinese stuff cause it's cheap. Made in America would cost 10 times more than made in China. Maybe robots will manufacture stuff in America, cheaper than workers would, but no jobs will be created.

The robotization trend will increase exponentially (some one mentioned Moore's law a few days ago: computing power doubles every year).

The only way to have a sustainable planet in 2, 3, 4, 5 decades, will be to give basic income to every body like the Scandinavians are starting to do.

Of course, it's not going to be a smooth process.

Trump still does not understand that process. It's a revolution, like mechanization was a few centuries ago. It's not going to stop.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-05
Re: Unconditional basic income by the texpayer's money

The way to bring jobs back to the USA is to start a "buy USA Owned and Made"

The only way that will happen is if locally made products are affordable. Companies don't spend millions of dollars shifting their operations abroad just so they can make more profit, they do it so they can remain competitive in the marketplace. Furthermore, they then spend a fortune on advertising in order to brainwash people into believing their product is the best (eg, Apple).

Money Talks ! Prices talk ! Quality talks ! Very few people will buy a domestic product just BECAUSE it's domestic. One only has to look at the old British car manufacturing companies. British Leyland threw out nothing but rubbish when compared to cars manufactured overseas.

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