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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-08
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

The real solution is to make marriage illegal

How so? In countries such as Australia and the UK, even living together for 2 years means being treated, upon separation, as though you were married. That means the man still loses half of everything (allegedly half - more like 80% +).

Marriage is nothing more than a piece of paper. Pre-nups should be compulsory. If a couple get divorced then each person should be entitled to 50% of everything they gained during their time together. They should not have to lose half of what they had when they entered the marriage. It's really quite simple, IMHO.

That said, how 'workable' it is remains to be seen.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2017-02-08
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

"compulsory pre-nuptial agreements": She is SO right, but like you I think it is not easily enforceable. And I don't like the government to impose too many things on people.

But think of all the idiots who pay US$50,000 (that's the new average) to get married, in the face of widely available statistics to the effect that 60% of couples divorce before their 3 year anniversary: They have not even re-paid their credit cards when they have to use them again to pay the divorce lawyers. This is bad enough without all of their financials being intermingled by marriage simply because they were sure that their marriage would last for ever and did not see the need for a pre-nup. Should the government save these idiots by force?

The real solution is to make marriage illegal.

But the wedding industry and its lobbying are way too powerful for that to happen before at least one more generation.

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